The Tart Kiln Update Discovered in The Wild
There is going to be a tart kiln update, but it’s already in the wild and Dirvy discovered it! Would you like Tarts or Muffins?
Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: Items and InventoryDate: 12/27/2017 03:43 PM CSTFrom: TWILSONSubj: Tart Kiln UpdateFirst, I apologize if this is not the correct place to put this. Luxelle and I looked and couldn’t really find a good place for this, so here it is.Tart Kilns are getting an update, but you can update it now, if you can solve the riddle! To get the riddle, bake a tart with your tart kiln. It should give you the following riddle:
“Tiny though this kiln may be, it is not a toy. The tasty pastry that it makes will bring a halfling joy.
Other treats are scrumptious too, so now this kiln makes muffins for you.
But first a poser you must break, before muffins with this kiln you’ll make.
Not every pastry needs filling in the middle, whisper it to your tart kiln to solve this riddle.”>analyze my kiln
You analyze your tart kiln and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
This tart kiln is a fluff item that makes tarts. To use it, place a food item and manna bread in it, and turn it while in-hand. The kiln will combine the two into a tart, with the noun of the food item as the filling (e.g., “a bunch of,plump,raisins” will result in a “golden brown,raisin,tart”).
The kiln is limited to a list of foods it knows about, so there can be foods that won’t work with it.
This particular kiln can only make tarts. During the holiday season of 2017, the kiln gives the user a riddle to solve in order to activate the muffin-making feature. After the holidays it will silently update itself to muffin-making status.
This tart kiln cannot be altered.Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the kiln’s pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the kiln is as light as it can get.
Once you solve the riddle, whisper the answer to your tart kiln and it will say this:
Strangely, you hear a whispering voice in your head. It’s a tinkling, playful sound. “You can now make muffins with the kiln! Just WHISPER KILN T[ARTS] or WHISPER KILN M[UFFINS] to determine which tasty treat your kiln will make. So easy, even big folk can do it!”
So, you would WHISPER KILN M to make muffins or WHISPER KILN T to make tarts.
>analyze my kiln
You analyze your tart kiln and sense that the creator has provided the following information:
This tart kiln is a fluff item that makes tarts. To use it, place a food item and manna bread in it, and turn it while in-hand. The kiln will combine the two into a tart, with the noun of the food item as the filling (e.g., “a bunch of,plump,raisins” will result in a “golden brown,raisin,tart”).
The kiln is limited to a list of foods it knows about, so there can be foods that won’t work with it.
This particular kiln can make muffins in addition to making tarts.
Use WHISPER kiln {tarts or muffins} to tell it what to make.
This tart kiln cannot be altered.Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the kiln’s pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the kiln is as light as it can get.
You put a pumpkin spice muffin with maple cream frosting in your tart kiln.
You put some chocolate cream filling in your tart kiln.>whisper kiln m
You whisper to your tart kiln to make muffins.>turn my kiln
You turn the knurled brass crank on the side of the tart kiln.
The tart kiln makes a low, humming noise and grows warm to the touch. After a moment, the aroma of baked chocolate fills the air.In the tart kiln:
food (1): a golden brown chocolate muffin.You take a bite of your chocolate muffin. The slightly caramelized muffin top provides a crunchy counterpoint to the soft center.
You have 4 bites left.HAPPY BAKING!
Lady Dirvy Britbane
Executrix of House Sovyn
Elder Sentinel Advisor of The Order of the Sphere and Scythe
Chairwoman of I.C.I.C.L.E.
This update, on the other hand, is absolutely great! I’m happy for all the bakers and muffin-lovers among us. 🙂
— Lauren, Lylia’s player
— Robert
Due to the volatile atmosphere, random bolts of lightning can intermittently be seen streaking through the skyline.