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Singing in the Early Morning – Or Catewauling, if you will

Early in the morning on Wednesday, reports of loud singing in Wehnimer’s Landing was heard … a little ditty about a flock gone astray. Some called his singing caterwauling.

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer’s Landing

Date: 01/24/2018 08:02 AM CST
Subj: Singing in the early morning.
Loud singing heard from the direction of Erebor Square could be heard early this morning, and was certainly not a Bard.

“Oh hey, say my boy there’s a flock gone astray!

Down near the Landing way is a flock gone astray!

They say it’s full of vice and sin and darkness to lead them all away!

Hey ho, Cleric my boy, there’s a flock gone astray!”

Comments from the townsfolk were less than enthusiastic about having such caterwauling occur so early in the morning.


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