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Nehor and the Battle of the Troll Kings

Nehor was in the cave with the other Landing Heroes on Saturday night after the slavers riled up and summoned nasty creatures. From the Officials, it’s the tale of Nehor and the Battle of The Troll Kings! This will make you wish you were there to have seen it!

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer’s Landing

Date: 01/21/2018 01:47 AM CST
Subj: Nehor and the battle of the Troll Kings
OOC NOTE: I had a blast playing tonight with you guys. Here’s the events, from Nehors…interesting perspective.


Nehor wiped the cobwebs from his immaculately kept hair and frowned. The dampness in the air was palpable, and he could hear the scuffs and mutters of his traveling companions joking and jostling each other as they moved through the caverns. Why was he even here again? Oh, thats right. This town was dreadfully dull and there was no evening entertainment to speak of. So why not go search for some missing corpse or what not? Plus these caves, while musty, had a far better odor than that place. Still…this was far beneath him. Stepping on a sharp rock he cursed loudly. Thats right. He had no shoes.

He had been drawn by the loud shouting and commotion to the barracks, hoping that perhaps there was a performance piece or some such being put on. He’d been excited, knowing there were travelling bands that would sometimes stop and play in the frontier town and he had been eager to meet with them and perhaps share notes. However, as he got there he sighed disappointedly. It was just a bunch of townsfolk crowded around some emanciated looking children. Bothersome. Could this town not even take care of their young properly?

As the crowd peppered these kids with question after question, Nehor grew more and more piqued. Couldn’t they see that the children needed warmth, not to be badgered? All manner of folk who had sneered at him for simply speaking the truth about their horrid manners and dirty little hovel of a town were now not even attempting to help these kids. Sighing, Nehor knew that if anyone was going to be helping it would be him. Not a single other one of these morons would know how to help a kid if three turned up freezing cold in front of the – well, thats exactly what happened and none of them did.

He thought a moment, narrowing his eyes. He could give them his hat but…no, that had cost him a bit of coin and it was far too fancy. Plus, it kept his hair in place. No no, he’d have to give them his shoes. So he did. Casting a disdainful glance at the rest of the crowd, he casually informed them of their boorish behavior. Not that it would do any good. You couldn’t teach cattle how to be proper gentleman and ladies. But one must try. They prattled on a bit, lowing and braying something or other about a man in white and some corpse they had to find. Nehor yawned and followed, making sure he was behind Kayse and a few other…interesting looking women…so he’d have some entertainment as he walked.

And thus it was that Nehor found himself surrounded by dirty, smelly, VIOLENT people. In a cave. In the cold. With no shoes.

Luckily, after some bumbling about they seemed to find what they were looking for. There were some grumbling and arguing about what it all meant when suddenly Nehor heard a sound he knew very well indeed: The clicking of crossbows being loaded. With a frightened yelp, he grabbed his hat and yelled GET DOWN! right before the ruffians attacked!

Nehor had no idea who they were. Or why they were there. Could they have seen his last piece? It wasnt his best work, but he didn’t think the play was THAT bad…plus there were easier ways to get their money back than attacking him, surely? For a change, the people around him actually seemed to be of use. He quickly crawled behind a few of the tougher looking ones and instructed them on how best to protect his person. After a brief scuffle in which only a few people of no worth mentioning were dismembered and killed (no big loss, he’d find more protectors soon) the ruffians backed off.

Breathing a sigh of relief, he stood and was about to make some pithy and interesting remark when the call of a horn interrupted him. His face paled as the thundering approach of the biggest trolls he had ever seen in his life came wandering in.

All hells broke loose.

He wasnt sure what was happening or what was going on. Powerful magicks and roaring bellows echoed all around as he tried to make himself as small a target as possible. A few of his protectors were cut aside, but a group seemed to be holding fast. Ducking, Nehor gulped and then did the only thing he knew how to do. Ran screaming away as his protectors sacrificed their worthless lives so he could escape.

Which was going according to plan until he ran into a sticky substance and got caught. The last he saw before he blacked out was eight glowing, yellow eyes.

When he came too, he found himself in Voln courtyard, being tended to by local healers. Many bodies lay around him…apparently the battle had been fiercly fought. But luckily everyone who was important was able to get out somewhat safely. Namely, Nehor.


The following day, Nehor sat idly on the steps of Hearthstone as he recounted the tale to a group of wide eyed peasant girls. One made some comment or another asking to hear how he bravely distracted the brigands while his hirelings cut them down and won the day again. He yawned lightly, already having told this particular tale several times. Still, the show must go on and the audience must be appeased. He smiled his most dazzling smile and made a hilarious remark which sent the young girls into giggles.

“Listen then, as I tell the tale, of the Heroic Playwright and the Ne’er-do-wells…”

Berbels shrilly exclaims, “Ise takings hims tos secretses lairses!”

Berbels grabs you and drags you east.


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