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Lumnis Followers Latest Chaston Victims

Lumnis and her faithful followers are the latest victims of Chaston’s heresy. Hapenlok shares the vision they all saw Wed night in the Landing:

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer’s Landing

Date: 10/13/2016 01:27 AM CDT
Subj: (OOC) Notes on tonight's action
I’ll post some IC stuff when i get time, but just a brief summary so people know what the hell is going on. since so much was going on everywhere,
I arrived in time for the second wave of chaos. I skewered a couple of justicars with the Barracks Ballista, and i generally got my butt kicked by Drangell and Crusaders. heh. nothing new there, right?
Foxs has returned to Whenimer’s Landing(!)
More barricades have gone up in various areas.
The grizzled old warrior got pelted with rocks by Chaston’s faithful.
Rhayveign and Hapenlok tried to conjure a mother windstorm with the power of the reach. In an attempt to clear the magic-nullifying mist, but were unable to, ostensibly due to lack of mages. Man has to know his limitations.
And, Drangell was playing tug-of war with various people’s corpses…mostly half-elven PCs.

After the big fight, Seemed like Everyone’s Arkati were sending out visions of their worshippers being slaughtered in various ways,
I believe followers of Jastev, Lumnis, and Onar received visions. Not quite sure who else, but i’m pretty sure everyone got some, feel free to post your excerpts here.

Hapenlok, closeted follower of Lumnis that he is,(Long story, natch) even recieved a vision. all though he was slow to recognize it for what it was.

“three women walk by, wearing hooded cloaks. One scarlet, one blue, one gold. The women kneel before an altar, lowering the white veils from their faces. From behind them, six white armored crusaders emerge, blades drawn, their eyes cold and full of hate. The women turn, eyes widened, as the blades slice down. Their white veils run red as the women fall.:

Now, yes. Hapenlok is a follower of Lumnis. and like i said, it’s kind of a long story.

Anyway, i’ll attempt to form some sentences in a coherent manner and put together some kind of IC statement in the future, but right now, it’s time for bed.

Not a bad night. COnsidering most of the storyline stuff going on. i’ve been excluding myself from.(For RP reasons, that’s all), and despite my faulty internet connection that was hindering me for a while(I actually had to hotspot my phone to get back in, and i was getting ready to come on the boards and yell at people for crashing the game lol) I had a lot of fun.

Date: 10/13/2016 11:02 AM CDT
From: KHARIZ555
Subj: Re: (OOC) Notes on tonight's action
It’s interesting that Hapenlok and Rhayveign “failed”, because right after you did what you did, the green mist went away. I guess it could have been a coincidence, and it just happened to be when Kenstrom turned off the mist, but I also think you can claim success due to the timing on it all.


Date: 10/13/2016 12:58 PM CDT
Subj: Re: (OOC) Notes on tonight's action

Trust me I’m considering it a failure you would have known if what we were trying to accomplish had worked lol

Date: 10/13/2016 01:30 PM CDT
From: KHARIZ555
Subj: Re: (OOC) Notes on tonight's action
I’ll take your word for it. I’m sad I didn’t get to see the desired outcome.

Date: 10/13/2016 07:14 PM CDT
Subj: Re: (OOC) Notes on tonight's action
Figured I’d try something different for the anti magic portion of the festivities. Didn’t quite work. But by that point anything was better than me try and swing a blade….I picked up the wrong blade as a backup. Veil Iron seemed like a good idea at the time….


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