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CEO David Whatley posts future of Simutronics in light of Stillfront Group buyout

From Simu’s CEO, David Whatley at the end of the day Tuesday: everything’s going to be fine, everyone’s still in their same positions, and nothing major is going to change with GSIV or DR. Business as usual for decades to come.

Category: Simutronics Discussions
Topic: Stillfront Group Announcement

Date: 06/21/2016 06:06 PM CDT
Subj: About that Stillfront Group thing…
Hey all,

I wanted to take a moment to talk about the Stillfront Group announcement that many of you noticed go out over the wire. Stillfront Group, a Stockhold-based game creator and publisher, has acquired controlling interest in Simutronics Corp. Yep, after about 30 years, I decided to stop going it alone and join forces.

Obviously this sort of change of control raises questions and concerns. But the good news is that they are easily answered because there isn’t going to be any real change to what we are doing as regards GemStone IV and DragonRealms. I’m still the CEO, everybody is still in their same positions, all of our efforts and plans for these games remain unchanged. Our GM staff is still plugging away creating great new stuff, new events, and all you’ve come to expect.

So, in that sense, nothing has changed.

But in another sense it has, because joining forces with Stillfront Group gives us more stability and opportunity than going it alone. Other Stillfront Group studios have web-based products as well, and we’ll work together to learn from each other about how to better reach more players and bring them on. It is this sort of synergy (though I loath that particular corp-speak work as much as the next guy) that is the real impetus for doing this deal.

And in a final sense, it is a huge deal for me. Because I am the classic “going alone” kind of guy, or have been for three decades at least. Or maybe I’m not, because although Simutronics Corp has always gone it alone, I certainly haven’t. GemStone and DragonRealms are the product of countless individuals who have poured immense creativity and love into their continuous evolution from the simple shells I coded together so many years ago. So, in a sense, we are expanding our team. And we’re going to continue to give these titles our focus and love for … well… gosh… decades more I assume. After all, so long as people want to immerse themselves in these worlds, and GMs want to keep making new stuff, I really can’t imagine there ever being a day when these world cease to exist. Few worlds have anything like the longevity you see with GS and DR, and I’m excited to see where we can take them next!

Anyway, here’s a topic to ask questions and discuss. But, in short… fear not, all is good. Elanthia, in both it’s forms, lives on!

— David


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