Exciting things are happening at Rumor Woods with several favorites getting touch ups or revamps for the new year.  Here are just a few:

Tempered Threads & The Knight Way

  • GM Casil has refreshed Tempered Threads.  There will be two new moods sold this year for Moody Garments: joyfully cheerful (Kaikala) and confident determination (Casil).
  • GM Casil and GM Elysani updated The Knight Way wares to match the tournament theme colors, plus a special Ardenai theme. The seamstress has all new designs to sew onto your surcoats.

What Remains & Container Yourself

  • GM Avaluka has updated Container Yourself to the new theme.  The special bags in here will now have unique interactions that deal with either a beetle or spider
  • GM Thandiwe has updated the enhancive hiders to reflect the new theme as well.


This article is a part of the official newsfeed from GemStoneIV.