WYROM’S WORDS: PM Wyrom pulls back the curtain and closes out the staff compensation questions with straightforward talk. He ends these disclosures with a request to move past the issue and said, “You now know more than you should.” And Wow, that’s an understatement. Details:

Text of Discord Post follows:

PM Wyrom
GS Staff Wages/Salaries Open Talk
on 9 March 2023 2:57 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord Forums
in general/QC and Beta Testing Discussion

I’d like to also put to bed the salary/wage talk here. So let me just put this all out in the open. But then we’re going to move on from it.

The staff are paid quite a bit from where they were prior to 2015. The better the game does, the more they make. In the last 3 years, the GameMasters in GS earn roughly 33% of the gross revenue per year that we generate. There are GMs who make more than me. The compensation structure if you’re willing to put in the hours can be amazing. If Simu is doing right by anyone, it’s the GMs. I also shield the GMs from EVERYTHING that I can. There have been days where I’ve thought about stepping down to being just a GM again. As I mentioned though, things are a bit better for me now, but it was pretty rocky for a bit.

We also just went from having about 50 employees to 8. If you think there is money to hire more staff, you’re wrong. Our budget has been laid out by people who do this for a living for huge companies within our organization.

So let’s move past this talk. You now know more than you should. Also let’s really avoid the conversations where you know I can’t answer it. It’s not fair and it doesn’t add much to the discussion other than seeming like I’m ignoring you. I think I’m hypervigilant with sharing everything with all of you. But sometimes you make it seem like communication is in the dark ages.

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.