ANNOUNCEMENT: GM Retser announced that the post-cap hunting area outside of Kraken’s Fall is open. It is called the Atoll and is live in all instances. Look for more information about this new hunting area at the wiki – it is for “only the most seasoned adventurers” per GM Retser.

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Retser
The Atoll is Open!
on 8 May 2022 11:03pm
from Official GemStone IV Discord #general-announcements channel

Hey Everyone, the Atoll hunting grounds outside of Kraken’s Fall is now live in all instances. This was a corroborative effort between GM Naijin and I. Special thanks to GM Auchand, GM Xynwen, and GM Tivvy for helping it come together.

Direct Discord Link



Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.