PREMIUM: From GM Quilic: Premium Fest (May 26-30) to offer “Rare” designated unlocks through individual raffles. Winners must have requisite item at correct unlock tier. 2023’s offerings of these unlocks will end and going forward, most will be raffles at festivals. “Regular” Premium Unlocks will continue monthly without changes. List of rare Items:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Quilic
Rare Premium Unlocks
on 23 March 2023 3:36 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord Forums
in the Premium Category

Hi all,

Premium Unlocks that have been designated, “Rare” will be offered at Premium Fest this year. There will be individual raffles for each item that has “rare” level unlocks, with a number of winners equal to the maximum number of available unlocks for that item/tier. Obviously, the winner will need to have the requisite item (at the correct unlock tier) to redeem their win.

This will close out 2023’s offerings of these particular unlocks. The monthly “regular” Premium Unlocks will continue without any changes. This only affects these items (Quantity of each is in parentheses):

Peretta Masks to Tier 2 (5)
Xojium Staves Full (must have 10 verbs) (1)
Xojium Robes Full (must have 10 verbs) (1)
Gory Weapons to Tier 3 (1)
Pelt Bags to Tier 2 (1)
Climate Wear to Tier 2 (6)
Cidolfhus Bandolier to Tier 2 (5)
Dancing Shoes to Tier 4 (5)
Fancy Weapons to Tier 4 (5)
Shurley Gloves to Tier 4 (5)
Codex (1)
Rotting Rodent to Tier 2 (6)
Tickle Armor/Morphing Armor to Tier 3 (5)
Superspecs to Auction Quality (2)
Grobey Shields to T2 (4)
Forbidden Knowledge Books to T2 (2)
Jewelry boxes T6 (5)

Looking ahead, look for most unlocks of this type to be offered at festivals instead of monthly availability.

Winners will need to have the item on them, and be present in the room. No passing.

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.