PREMIUM FEST SCHEDULE: GM Quilic posted the approximate times for the Premium Fest ‘Storyline/Roleplaying’ schedule:

  • Friday at 8:30pm
  • Saturday at 5pm (Mzholl)
  • Sunday at 3pm (Shayer Doss)
  • Monday at 8pm (Peshys)

He is planning each one around an hour, a couple less than that. Look for the background and explanations of these at:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Quilic
Premium Festival 5123 RP/”Storyline” Schedule
on 25 May 2023
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord Forums
in the Premium/Premium Fest 5123: Return to the Iyo Grove Category

While there will be plenty of opportunities for RP with the Iyo outside of this structure, here are the ‘official’ celebration times:

Friday the 26th: 830pm EST
Saturday: 5pm EST (Mzholl)
Sunday: 3pm EST (Shayer Doss)
Monday: 8pm EST (Peshys)

All times are rough, in that it could be delayed by a half an hour or so depending on how things are going.

In each instance, I’m planning for the ‘event’ to take around an hour. Potentially a little less so for the first night (the welcome speech) and Sunday (Shayer Doss).

Even though this was all conceived as “night” options, I wanted to try and keep things accessible for as many folks as possible.

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.