The Final Champions of the Duskruin Endless Arena!

  1. Rogue – Xanlin (338)**
  2. Paladin – Fulmen (231)**
  3. Wizard – Idalias (197)**
  4. Warrior – Perigourd (177)
  5. Cleric – Brute (175)**
  6. Empath – Tranquia (163)**
  7. Bard – Yakushi (156)**
  8. Sorcerer – Missoni (140)
  9. Ranger – Ralkean (138)
  10. Monk – Takoa (133)

Xanlin’s score is a new overall record and a ** marks the new record holders for 6 of our professions! Congratulations to all, and remember to watch for mail this week, Champs!


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.