EVENT-KF: GM Thandiwe revealed a letter home from a student of flora and fauna (if bugs are included in fauna). Read it over, and if you’re wondering what in the world it is about, I would be at Kraken’s Fall at 9pm tonight. Here’s the letter:

Text of Discord Post follows:

GM Thandiwe
Temsy’s Letter Home
on 7 Sept 2022 3:15 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #general-announcements channel

I am writing to you from a ship! I’m told that this will be sent on by an albatross before finding its way to a postal service and into your care. I know what you are thinking, even as I write this…

It isn’t my fault, Mother, honest. What had started out as a quick trip to the Festival of Lumnea turned into, well, frankly, an adventure! The girls and I left Summit Academy intent on getting our certificate in Entomology. You know, the study of bugs. We ran across the most amusing band of fellow bug hunters in Cysaegir and were on to the Festival in Ta’Illstim.

We honestly were going to head back to the dorms, but we met another scholar! He is a botanist and was so engaging that we decided to stay for a bit longer. That is when we heard about his travels up to the Hinterwilds. So brave, so exciting!

Somehow, and this is a little fuzzy, we ended up finding some old tomes about exotic plants and set out on a ship immediately!

I had thought I’d be back to the College by midsummer, but we ended up not finding the plants. We are on the last leg of our journey, heading to Kraken’s Fall to see if they have what we are looking for and it looks like we will arrive tomorrow night around the 9th bell.

I’m excited to see the Pirate Town and hopefully the flowers, too.

Love you dearly mother and I will see you soon,

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.