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Wihliam of Oire Insists He Has Not Been To the Area for 5 Years

Sunday night in Solhaven, Wihliam the minstrel of Oire stopped by the North Market, seemingly insisting it was his first visit in 5 years. Many people reported seeing him recently, though … and he seemed older this time. Read the whole report at the Officials:

Category: Towns
Topic: Solhaven

Date: 04/20/2018 11:00 PM CDT
Subj: Animals Attack!
Early in the month of Olaesta, a travelling bard by the name of Wihliam from Oire came into North Market in search of new sources of inspiration for his music. As he played his harp, the local dogs seemed to take notice, creating a cacaphony of barks and howls. Over the course of the month, he visited the market repeatedly, playing his harp and searching for inspiration. But, if it wasn’t the dogs, it was the daggerbeaks, or the other beasts outside of town. Every time Wihliam would play, the animals would grow more and more agitated.

Finally Wihliam declared it was time to move on and continue his travels. He said he decided to head east just the night before.

And tonight, even though Wihliam was nowhere to be seen… the animals grew agitated again. The noise grew out on Outlands Road, heading east. As a group of citizens and adventurers went to investigate they found many oddly-large and very aggressive animals roaming the road – including many not native to Vornavis at all.

Wihliam never acknowledged any connection between his music and the growing aggression in the local wildlife, but the mystery surrounding him grows!

Raelee and her Strings

>Speaking to Zyllah, Alyias says, “See? Raelee knows all.”

Date: 04/21/2018 10:10 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Animals Attack!


Date: 04/22/2018 11:26 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Animals Attack!
Wihliam the minstrel of Oire stopped by North Market this evening. He insisted that this was his first time visiting the Solhaven-Vornavis area in about five years, in spite of multiple individuals stating the contrary. By his recollection, he had been traveling north and west through the Empire before just arriving in Solhaven tonight. He intends to perform a private show for some various gentry of Vornavis, including unveiling his new original song, “The White Snows of Hendor.”

Contrary recollections included three different times he had shown himself in the Solhaven area over the past three weeks, including once at the Temple of Cholen’s unveiling. When questioned about these inaccuracies, Wihliam insisted that the local residents, including one Magister and two Knights, were completely wrong, rude, and/or addled in the brain, in no particular order. It was also noted that Wihliam not only bore a new scar on his face, but also appeared older by perhaps a decade or two, and had at some point changed his patchwork cloak for a red one.

Upon Wihliam retiring to a nice room at the inn, additional topics discussed included the increased presence of angry beasts in the area and their potential connection to Wihliam and/or his harp.

For now, the mystery continues..

– Overlord EK

>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.

Date: 04/25/2018 08:05 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Animals Attack!
Last night, a warm breeze picked up several hours before midnight (in what some locals are starting to dub LST, which tends to happen a couple hours earlier than KST). With it, the smells and sounds of Vornavis carried out and over Solhaven and the environs in what started as just another lovely spring evening. The tranquility, of course, did not last.

A variety of beasts made their presence known along the West Road in a manner similar to how it has occurred in the past. First, the weaker ones – roltons, this time – started a frenzied stampede, and they were then joyed by other creatures of increasing hostility. Leopards, dobrems, salamanders, vipers, and at the very end griffins all attacked in a frenzied mob anything and anyone standing too close. As the spring breeze waned, so did the attacks until everything was calm again.

Several sought to locate Wihliam in the midst of this uprising to determine if there truly were a link between the two, however he not able to be located. It has been pointed out several times now that while many of the creatures are local to the area, or a variant of them, some are more exotic. Those exotic species are represented in the local zoo.

– Overlord EK

>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.


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