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There Might Be Demons Near Ta’Illistim

Recap from that sudden Ta’Illistim event on Monday Night with the Artificer Yavred’s employees was posted on the forums – there might be demons!

Category: Towns
Topic: Ta’Illistim

Date: 09/19/2016 05:34 PM CDT
Subj: Artificer Yavred Searches
Stooped over, the ancient elf slowly trudges through the Shining City. “Where could those servants of mine be?” he ponders as he peers down alleys and into corners. “They have never been gone this long before.”

Slowly, the aging Artificer moves towards the Dais. “I am sure I can find some willing to help search for them.”

Artificer Yavred Nellereune Illistim will be gathering those willing to help him search for his lost servants at nine elven time this evening. He will begin on the Dais and move on from there. All are welcome to give aid in his search.

~ Valyrka ~
Dark Elves

Date: 09/20/2016 12:01 PM CDT
From: SHEN1
Subj: Re: Artificer Yavred Searches

I would really like to have attended this. Have been looking forward to En events for a long time. But I did not see the 6:34 pm announcement for the 9 pm event. Reim had just opened yesterday so was with a group exploring.


Date: 09/20/2016 04:29 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Artificer Yavred Searches
Brief recap:

Servant girl O something, spilled ink on her Master’s carpet and then proceeded to the Dais to alter for silvers (I wasn’t there for this part but it was passed along). She didn’t show back up by the next morning so Yavred was concerned. We started out in the stationary shop thinking she might have gone there to see about removing ink from the rug. The group then proceeded tea shop thinking she might try to make amends by bringing her master tea but no luck. We ended up at the premium rug shop in Ta’Illistim where it was confirmed that the girl was there, was a little upset and muttered about a place with a bench, a bridge and flowers. After much searching we located the male servant by the Sunfist outpost where it looked like he was attacked with a bruise on the head. Yavred said he could feel a demonic presence radiating from him but the other sorcerers there could not. He was taken away to rest/be watched by Sibwen (another NPC) for the evening.

I know that there are some details I missed but that’s the gist of what happened.

~t, tired after a long day and can’t remember everything.

Date: 09/20/2016 05:04 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Artificer Yavred Searches
>Yavred said he could feel a demonic presence radiating from him but the other sorcerers there could not. He was taken away to rest/be watched by Sibwen (another NPC) for the evening.

Q for Val, since I was there and playing a sorcerer:

Is this a plot point or just a mechanical limitation?

Date: 09/20/2016 05:57 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Artificer Yavred Searches
Is this a plot point or just a mechanical limitation?

This was likely a mechanical limitation. My mage simply followed suit after Yavred cast elemental detection on Filorn(?) and found nothing either.

Date: 09/20/2016 09:49 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Artificer Yavred Searches
That’s my assumption too (I also cast 405 and a few other things) but since the information came only from a single, potentially unreliable, NPC, I figured I’d just ask.


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