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Tattered Scroll Found in Icemule Trace by Visitor

GM Necios posts a small scene from Icemule Trace – the child of an elven family on holiday finds a very troubling scroll … written in halfling. They found someone to translate it:

Category: Towns
Topic: Icemule Trace

Date: 05/06/2018 09:13 PM CDT
Subj: Something to Trade
Splashing in the slush near the town well, an elven child, looking out of place and likely visiting Icemule with his family, stumbles upon a tattered but lengthy scroll singed along the edges. Luckily, the text is still legible. He attempts to make something of the wide loops and dramatic squiggles as the note is written in halfling, but he cannot. He quickly hands it to his father and asks to know what it says.

The father squints at the scroll, then leans toward a nearby halfling, asking for help. The halfling reads it aloud to them in a hushed voice.

“The Far Market has offered to trade us the key to the tome for something of greater mystical value. Citizens, I call upon you to explore these lands and find something of merit. Under no circumstances can QD get her hands on the electrum key. I can only imagine the peril that would befall us. I am sorry my visits have been in secret, but if you only knew the torture I have endured to keep this information away from her… Soon I will reveal the details of my escape from “Her Majesty’s” prison. I will use my leads to find out what other items from across the realms might interest the Far Market. I promise to return when I can. In the meantime, please help me seek out an item of power for which to trade the key. I have seen what QD is planning, and we absolutely cannot let our town’s fate become that of her “dynasty.” Councillor Emeritus Igerone shall return from retirement and stand in for me regarding gubernatorial affairs for the foreseeable future, including elections for a new mayor. Stay abreast of current news on the official announcement tree. Be safe, warm, and well – HH”

Hands trembling, the elven man tosses the scroll into the well and watches it sink out of sight. “This is none of our concern,” he tells his son. “I think we’d best head back home as soon as we can.”

FGM Necios
Overlord of Icemule Trace
Subscriptions team flunky
Champion of subject/verb agreement
Honorary BADNAME committee chair

The ghostly voice of Dirvy softly says, “Just shove my soul back in me where it belongs.”


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