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Rooting Out The Rooks by Khylon

Guard Captain Khylon of the Wehnimer’s Town Guard, proposes laws for Rooting Out the Rooks in a forum post from GM Kenstrom, and people … react. Council decision expected by the end of the week:

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer’s Landing

Date: 07/05/2016 03:27 PM CDT
Subj: Rooting out the Rooks
Khylon Oakspear, the Captain of the Wehnimer’s Landing Town Guard has proposed a new set of laws for the Town Council to review and vote on. After having met with countless townspeople and adventurers over the weekend, the Captain feels confident his approach will help in severely weakening the Brotherhood of Rooks criminal activities and hold punitive consequences for those found guilt to be openly aiding their organization.

While none of these laws and consequences is in effect until the Town Council’s decision, the following are listed in the proposal:

Any shops or merchants found guilty of supporting the Brotherhood of Rooks will face a first round of hefty fines and depending on the crime, possible jail time. A second violation will result in the revocation of the shopkeeper’s permit to operate in Wehnimer’s Landing and the seizure of all merchandise.

Any adventurers or townspeople found to be guilty of supporting the Brotherhood of Rooks will face a first found of hefty fines, followed by jail time. Further infractions will result in banishment and the possibility of a prolonged jail sentence.

Support of the Brotherhood of Rooks is described, but limited too, as providing financial support, or physical support in the way of items and shelter. Providing information and even protection falls into this category as well.

In addition to these new laws, a number of additional safeguards will be put into place.
For shops suspected of supporting the Brotherhood of Rooks, there will be members of both the town guard and militia scheduled to conduct all day observations and stationed within the buildings.

There will be an immediate increase of both militia and guards at the town docks and river gate. The number of inspections will be doubled, and any vessel or its captain refusing to be inspected will forfeit their wares and the merchandise will be seized, followed by hefty fines. There will also be an increase in patrols along Darkstone Bay and the Locksmehr River. The schedule of these patrols and, shop observations, and ship inspections will now be rotated on a daily basis, handed out personally by Marshal Thrayzar and Captain Khylon.

There will also be new ongoing discussions between officials of Wehnimer’s Landing and Icemule Trace to help negotiate coordinate tactics in monitoring and stopping the criminal activities of both the Brotherhood of Rooks and the Icewall Bandits. This includes increased authority between the territories to properly disrupt the actions of both organizations.

Furthermore, Mayor Puptilian’s original offer to the Brotherhood of Rooks has been extended. A full pardon has been put up for all members of the Brotherhood of Rooks who wish to join the town militia or guard and serve for a full year before obtaining the pardon.

The proposal was submitted this morning to the Town Council to review. It has been said that Pylasar, Surofee, and Beldrin should reach a decision by the week’s end.

Date: 07/05/2016 07:18 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
I think it would be helpful in the definition of supporting rooks that basic shop practices, and good will activities NOT be included in this.

If you sell blades, there is no background check legally required (yet) so there is no grounds for you to refuse services regardless of you personal suspicions of rookdom. This should not be considered criminal assistance in my opinion as it is basic shop operations.

Good will activities such as healing, feeding, clothing, etc should not be seen as criminal assistance by themselves unless the intent is specifically to aid the rooks agenda. It is not Akrash’s job to ask where the wounds came from, simply to clean them up.

“For shops suspected of supporting the Brotherhood of Rooks, there will be members of both the town guard and militia scheduled to conduct all day observations and stationed within the buildings.” WHAT? Where are we? This is not a rook hunt this is a shakedown! If they are guilty they need be dealt with, but assumptions are not enough to try to ruin someones business. Is there no other way to keep a watch on a suspect than to have a herd of guards standing literally over them every minute of the day? You know when I don’t break the law? when the constable is living in my tunic, so what is the REAL goal here?

It’s not to catch them, since the show of force would cause them not to do anything unseemly, defeating the purpose of a sting.
If its not to catch them, is it to attempt to ruin them through accusations that we have not been able to prove?
Is this a plan or a witchhunt?

Ostracizing more of our people, some innocent (maybe many, maybe all!), is a win for the rooks. Looking like we are falling apart and turning on each other at the merest hint of accusation or suspicion is a win for the rooks. For every actual criminal you found and dealt with you would be creating a dozen more. Furthermore, any of the targeted shop keepers who are NOT actually rook sympathizers would have to start seriously considering what the rooks had to offer after a week of lost profits due to both the obvious armed guard, but also the accusation being enough for many to just not shop there anymore, assuming they were rooks.

If you want to deal with the rooks, don’t create a breeding ground for them. The dangers to the Landing come from within, and while I like the spirit of this proposal, I honestly believe all the rooks will be pushing to pass it as well. Were I them, I would. Not only will it tip the hand of the landing as to whom we suspect, but prove the rooks point that the landing is taking control of the people bit by bit. Not only that, it would allow the rooks to “protect” shop owners, and other displays that would easily further their agenda.

I beseech the Council, the Mayor, the Captain, and the people to block the passage of these regulations as they currently stand. They can be worked and refined, as clearly something needs be done, but the current proposal is more emotional than practical, and I fear it would do nothing but bolster the rooks numbers, and rhetoric.

I will never join the rooks. I will never support a rook. But if these measures fly as currently drafted, I will unfortunately be put at odds with my loyalty. I have many obligations, but they are all set in order by priority, which I make very clear. In this case the hierarchy falls;

The citizens of the landing
Whenimer’s Landing.

Usually there is no conflict, I do not swear to conflicting masters, but should the Landing ever become the enemy to its citizens, there is no discussion for me as to which way my blade will point.

Date: 07/05/2016 07:36 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
What sort of knee-jerking tomfoolery is this? We fight off the deception and lies of that fraud Chaston and his cronies, avoiding the oppression of the church, and now you want to oppress us politically/militarily? Increase patrols? SURE! That’s a great idea!

But the rest of this is far too harsh, and I, for one will not stand for it. It goes against everything the Landing stands for, including freedom.

Ylandra, High Priestess of Cholen

Date: 07/05/2016 10:15 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
I would like to formally invite The Rooks a safe haven on the island of River’s Rest, where diplomatic immunity will be given.

~Lalkcriga, daughter to the Bloodfist.

Date: 07/05/2016 11:37 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
yeah the rooks already burnt that bridge several months ago.

Date: 07/06/2016 06:02 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
A night of heavy rains has curled the parchment’s edges, but the slanting copperplate hand is still legible.

Take a deep breath, Captain Khylon Oakspear, and tell me what you smell. Do you catch the scents of coffee brewing or the rare blooms in Ardwen’s garden? Perhaps you detect one of Helga’s savory stews of the month or a whiff of the Bay as the tide rolls out. What you do not smell is the stench of charred wood and seared flesh in a town burned to its foundations in a senseless war between crime lords. You are free to enjoy Wehnimer’s many sublime scents and stinks because it was spared the worst of a war for dominance that you did not even realize was brewing because you were too noble to look.

You must know that doubling the guard at the docks will not halve crime, that the town’s constabulary cannot possibly keep up with the influx of spurious new arrests your appalling overreach will generate, that posting militia outside shops will not net you Rooks. They would not even recognize a Rook if they were to see one. You cannot build a wall high enough or deep enough to protect against the Rooks and their families because they are already among the citizenry. Rooks such as that baker’s boy, the one who died with the cinnamon from the morning’s baking still fragrant on his sleeves. Rooks such as the child with the burned face.

When are we safe enough, Captain, and from whom are we being saved?

I am no Rook, although my daring to question the sanity of these restrictive and useless laws may mark me a sympathizer, to use your term. If I were, I would never have risked so much to aid the very Hendorans against which Rysus and his illicit brotherhood have fought so fiercely. If you must call me anything, Captain, call me a pragmatist, one who knows the way to deal with rising flood waters is not to stand in front of them and shout.

Let us hope the Town Council understands that managing such dangers requires carving channels, building levees, and diverting the flow to where it is needed instead of adopting your proposal to waste our guards’ time on a show of force that will produce nothing more than resentment from the townsfolk and headaches for Renpaw.

— Lylia Rashere Faendryl

P.S. and OOC — The proposed laws actually sound like a lot of fun to give more players a Rookward direction to take, if they choose to, or to double down on the “lawful” part of their lawful-whatever alignment if that’s their jam. My character is going to gripe about them big-time, but as a player, I think this is a cool direction to take and an interesting on-ramp for players to get their characters more involved. Loving all this stuff with the Rooks and Icewall guys still, by the way! 🙂

Date: 07/06/2016 06:20 PM CDT
From: N2PLAY
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
I like that this is being done, without any requests or help from any Imperials. That is usually what people complain about. Shinann originally joined the militia to keep an eye on the Hendorans. She likes they aren’t involved (as I would expect most Landing folk would feel the same). This is a good move, to keep the Imperials out of our business. Which, even Rysus would agree with, since he gave that speech about freedom. Of course, Shinann thinks he just wants freedom from any law. : )

I’m not quite sure how some see this as some sort of authoritarian act. More protection for the town, by people of the town. That’s how I see it. Maybe not stationing guards at shops. As it was pointed out, that might tip them off. However, not at all averse to spying on suspected shops or dealers. Maybe the guards or militia can do that (NPC ones or if we get a good tip, maybe a PC can try). The docks are a no brainer. Those do need guards. I think either a guard for every shop or no guards for any shop, so not to single anyone out. Just throwing out ideas.

Shinann’s player

Date: 07/06/2016 08:43 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
<yeah the rooks already burnt that bridge several months ago.>

You will have to forgive good sir, never was my father, Gods rest his soul, The Bloodfist, true leader of the Krolvin Nation, ever under any form of parley with The Rooks to discuss River’s Rest as a sanctuary for them. I assure you, as my fathers daughter, he would have welcomed them with open arms.

For too long have our distant lands payed our tax only to be left fighting over the Landings table scraps. If the Rooks stand against the tyranny that is the Landing, then they are seen as allies to the Bloodfist.

~Lalkcriga, daughter to the Bloodfist.

P.S. Besides, our bridge works fine, most of the time.

Date: 07/07/2016 01:15 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks

>I like that this is being done, without any requests or help from any Imperials.<

….and what is wrong with Imperials? 🙂


Date: 07/07/2016 01:29 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
….and what is wrong with Imperials? 🙂

A blank parchment, a list of what is right with imperials, and an ‘invisible’ essay walked into a bar. Then someone grabbed it on their way to the outhouse.

— Robert

A powerful whirlpool is suddenly overtaken by a windy vortex!

Date: 07/07/2016 02:11 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
<….and what is wrong with Imperials? >

Because of reasons, you will be forgiven for your blasphemy when the day comes, whenever that is….someday, I swear to it.

~Lalkcriga, daughter to the Bloodfist.

Date: 07/07/2016 04:32 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
>I’m not quite sure how some see this as some sort of authoritarian act. More protection for the town, by people of the town. That’s how I see it.

At the risk of being consumed in a blaze of political wildfire, I see it as a parallel to the (some would say) draconian security measures imposed on U.S. citizens by citizens in the name of making the country safer — watch lists, searches at airports, potentially intrusive data collection. I’m absolutely not equating the two as nothing in a game story arc has real consequences for real people, but it’s not hard to see how one person’s “this will make us safer” stance is another’s “this will restrict us and violate our rights” viewpoint.

Then there’s the whole issue of Rooks as citizens themselves rather than an external force threatening the town. Is it acceptable to turn forces created to protect against potential external threats toward the criminal elements in town that could constitute a domestic threat? The Rooks are in a weird spot because they’re both defenders of the town and harmful agents who have brought more trouble its way, kind of like a hyperactive immune system that occasionally attacks the body politic’s own tissues. That’s one of the reasons I find them so interesting and why my character has some ambivalence toward them; over the past year and a half or so, I think she’s gone from fighting alongside Rooks to killing them at least half a dozen times.

It’s safe to say Lylia is off Rysus’ Feast of the Immortals invitation list. 🙂

To me, how characters respond to this says a lot about where they are on the lawful/neutral/chaotic alignment axis rather than the good/neutral/evil one: Does a character favor strong measures to maintain law and order, or does he or she consider a certain level of criminal activity an unfortunate byproduct of a free society? The Rooks aren’t a monolith, and Drangell’s Rooks were very different from Alendrial’s or Rysus’, which also makes them compelling. I kind of wish people (not you specifically, as I think you’re playing Shinann with a good deal of nuance and thought, but some folks) wouldn’t see it solely as the old good-versus-evil narrative because the Rooks’ stories can be far more intriguing than that. I love mashing the Bad Guys as much as anyone, but I also love that there’s room in the game for storylines that aren’t just about that.

— Lauren, Lylia’s player

Date: 07/07/2016 05:16 PM CDT
From: N2PLAY
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
>>….and what is wrong with Imperials? 🙂


Blasted knights! Ha! I just mean everyone had a fit over the Outpost, the Hendoran guards on the docks, etc… Was just pointing out that we can do it ourselves. Knights are welcome! Always! : )

Date: 07/07/2016 05:53 PM CDT
From: N2PLAY
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
>>>>Then there’s the whole issue of Rooks as citizens themselves rather than an external force threatening the town. Is it acceptable to turn forces created to protect against potential external threats toward the criminal elements in town that could constitute a domestic threat? The Rooks are in a weird spot because they’re both defenders of the town and harmful agents who have brought more trouble its way, kind of like a hyperactive immune system that occasionally attacks the body politic’s own tissues. That’s one of the reasons I find them so interesting and why my character has some ambivalence toward them; over the past year and a half or so, I think she’s gone from fighting alongside Rooks to killing them at least half a dozen times.

Oh, personally I love the Rooks. I have a couple of characters that would totally be on their side. Shinann, well can’t really say why she’s so hard-nose, without anyone really knowing her backstory. I haven’t played that out… keep trying to find a time to fit it in. But, she sees being lawful, more as atonement. This is OOC info, since she hasn’t said that to anyone, but it can explain why she is so gung ho. That’s all I’m really going to say, until I can get her brain in the right mode, to follow through and tell some of her past. Though, she can be grey, at times, very few people would see that or even know it. Like I said, her sole reason for joining the militia was to keep an eye on the Hendorans. She just tries to do what the Marshal says to do. I know I’m only speaking from her point of view. I have a character that would be the polar opposite. As far as them being citizens themselves, well I have mixed feelings. We would never let a PC randomly kill other citizens, at will, without some sort of punishment (those blasted orbs!). They have done that and much more. So, while the offer is on the table for a pardon, I doubt it will be taken. They and the ones helping them, should have consequences. However, it would be SO boring to get rid of them. They offer spice and a living on the edge quality. Which appeals to me, as a player, but maybe not to my character. So, I probably lean toward the more protection aspect, just because that’s what my character would lean towards. I don’t like the guards at shops. However, I do like the extra guards at the docks. Our work, as defenders of the town, just doubled, at the docks, with the deal with the Icewall bandits gaining access. Sure, the Rooks won’t interfere with them, but now there are both Rooks and Icewall Bandits, to worry about there.

It’s funny you brought up the political aspect of this. Even as I was typing, I was saying to myself, I almost feel like I’m typing something on a forum. I’m a raging liberal, so for my character to be so all consuming in her actions… well it’s sort of humorous for me to be playing someone that is so straight laced and caught up with certain things about protection and guards. That’s all I’m saying, since anymore would probably be trouble! But, she has her reasons!

Shinann’s player

P.S. Sorry if I’m rambling a bit. Too much caffeine! Crazy storms, early this morning, kept me up!

Date: 07/07/2016 08:11 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
I don’t think you rambled at all; I’m glad you posted more! It’s that kind of insight that makes storyline events exciting to me: It’s not just about seeing the larger twists and turns of the main plot, but also about what I learn of other characters that makes playing fun. My character won’t know any of that background, of course, but as a player, knowing that it’s there makes Shinann’s choices that much more interesting to follow.

You make a really good point, too, about what the Rooks have gotten away with doing versus what a PC would be able to do without punishment. The Rooks don’t operate without punishment, though — or rather, they operate in such secrecy that they often elude the law even though a PC wouldn’t be able to because of game mechanics (kill someone in town and the NPC guards will find you and toss you in jail, for instance). The last time Rooks were offered amnesty, those who took it got killed in front of everyone, so you’re right that they’re significantly more organized and dangerous than PCs could be.

>it’s sort of humorous for me to be playing someone that is so straight laced and caught up with certain things about protection and guards.

Playing against type or otherwise confounding expectations is great! I always find it a lot of fun to work with Imperials as a Faendryl character too. Hah, Lylia got accused of being an “Imperial loyalist” once, which absolutely made my day. 🙂

Date: 07/08/2016 03:14 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
Quick +1 to what Lylia said, I always enjoy getting more information about characters and character backstories… ramble away!

— Wheels & Skulls Department

“Bring me your suffering. The rattle roar of broken bones. Bring me the riot in your heart… Angry, wild, and raw. I am not afraid of the dark.” — mia hollow
[ ]

Date: 07/08/2016 08:37 AM CDT
From: LEDUCC21
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks
The Rooks aren’t a monolith, and Drangell’s Rooks were very different from Alendrial’s or Rysus’, which also makes them compelling. I kind of wish people (not you specifically, as I think you’re playing Shinann with a good deal of nuance and thought, but some folks) wouldn’t see it solely as the old good-versus-evil narrative because the Rooks’ stories can be far more intriguing than that. I love mashing the Bad Guys as much as anyone, but I also love that there’s room in the game for storylines that aren’t just about that.

I agree for the most part with your post until here. Sometimes it’s all about the character being a little more black and white rather than “you people” seeing it that way. Quite a few characters run in the grey area and play well into the varying shades of morality in recent stories. That’s fantastic. Not everyone is perfect either. Some characters have been greatly challenged to find a voice in this less than perfect display of “evil” and I admire their consistency in dealing with matters they believe criminal rather than trying to melt into that grey.

I find the Rook arc fascinating. It’s believable how they truly feel the they are the heroes. Some call them outlaws because they bend the rules, sometimes to the point of fanaticism. How far will someone go to fight what THEY think is evil? Would the Empire train children to wear bombs in the name of freedom? Would the Rooks rule with an iron fist. I look forward to seeing how it plays out.

Did Hitler think he was evil?

Date: 07/08/2016 11:17 AM CDT
From: SHEN1
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks

Aurach glances up, quietly scanning his surroundings before continuing to himself.

‘Most mortals simply wish to live in peace. The simple life. Sheep some say, quietly living among each other, eating, and having more sheep.

Some, few, prefer to be like Sheep dogs, keeping the flock protected, checking what goes bump in the night, and if possible, as deterrent so the sheep never even know the wolves are about.

Wolves, well, you and I know they breed if left alone, form packs and prey on the sheep. It is in their nature to seek easy pickings, the weak, the isolated.

Now oddly enough the Landing has wolves acting as sheep dogs, sheep dogs acting as wolves thinking they are yet sheep dogs.

Sheep putting on masks to protect the other sheep?

Fortunately, there yet remain sheepherders, those that will observe the flock, the wolf packs, and the sheepdogs.

That will take whatever action is required…

What they have always done, what needs to be done.

(On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs, Grossman)

“Strength of heart, strength of mind, and strength of spirit. Our discipline rules all worlds.”

Blade Aurach the Palestra, Wanderer of Mahkra, Night Druid of Isil Dae’gonn, of House Moonshadew Old Ta’Faendryl”

Date: 07/08/2016 12:28 PM CDT
From: SHEN1
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks

Grammar might have been better -cough-

Date: 07/08/2016 02:07 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Rooting out the Rooks

‘Rooks. The more they rail against the Empire, the bigger its fist will get when they finally take action. And that fist will be wearing a gauntlet. It’s up to the Mayor and those of us who stand with him to wear the gloves while keeping those birds caged. For the true sake of Wehnimer’s.’

Ichiko the Defender. Not a citizen of the Landing.


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