Ritual Daggers – Tier 2 and 2+ QoL Updates
GM Kaikala makes some updates to the Ritual Daggers – 4 of them! So they’re better than ever! Details:
Category: GemStone IV Announcements
Topic: Important AnnouncementsDate: 11/24/2017 01:01 AM CSTFrom: GS4-KAIKALASubj: Ritual Daggers – Tier 2 and 2+ QoL UpdatesHey guys,Just a quick note about some minor adjustments on the Ritual Daggers:
(1) Previously on the Tier 2 daggers, you could only change your “grip” when it was held in the right hand; that is no longer true — you can now do so in either hand.
(2) On the Tier 2+ daggers that have the ability to toggle between flavors (this is just a handful of you that have this) — flavor-toggling is no longer done via CLENCH (due to the above update). Instead, you will need to ATTEND — either hand — to toggle the flavor.
(3) Tier 2 and 2+ daggers that are set up as Arkati or custom flavors — for scarring via POINT, you should be able to toggle the preposition and the location now (see the ANALYZE if you’re not sure how to do that) in the same way that the ‘default’ flavor allows. If your dagger is a custom flavor, you can toggle through the various locations/prepositions to use your customized description on now — however, if you want to use your custom location/preposition, those are set up as a bundle — just toggle to that custom location of yours, and it’ll handle both the preposition+location; just toggle the location back to any default option and you can toggle the prepositions per usual.
(4) For Tier 2 and 2+ daggers, when you LOOK at your dagger when it is in-hand, when applicable it will now indicate what grip you’re using & what flavor (if you are able to toggle between them) it’s set to.
A few of you are waiting on your customizations still; I’ll be touching base with you over the next few days if you haven’t already heard from me.
From nearby, you hear Ordim yell, “Dont eat meeeeee!”
The shaggy mutt sniffs at a vine-painted mistwood keg, then grabs it in its teeth and greedily wolfs it down before anyone can grab it!
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