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Lylia’s Summery of Mob Scene in Landing during Fun With The Zealot Night

Lylia’s IC and OOC summary of Friday night’s mob scene in the Landing is at the Forums:

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer’s Landing

Date: 08/27/2016 03:40 PM CDT
Subj: Last night's riot, both IC and OOC
Just a quick OOC summary for anyone who missed last night’s chaos or was busy hunting up bloodrunes:

A street preacher appeared in front of Moot Hall to inveigh against the wickedness and waywardness of the Landing, promising that Koar’s Light would cleanse all during the Atonement. The crowd listened and made jokes about giving townspeople up for Atonement or offered snide comments about where Chaston Griffin can stick Koar’s light, and a few advocated ignoring him. I got an idea that may or may not have had to do with the sangria I’d had after dinner: “Hey, I wonder if this is an attackable NPC or if he’s warded as Chaston always is? Why would my character stand here and listen to this guy tell her she’s unclean, anyway? Should I leave? Or wait…what would happen if I just — ” So I ventured a little Bloodburst. Rozy finished the job emphatically and atomized him with an Implosion, and then all hell began to break loose with the townsfolk, both PC and NPC. There were some monsterbold messages about the townspeople casting horrified glances at Lylia and Rozy, which I thought was great and Lylia thought was ominous. 🙂

Around this time, Lylia got arrested, so I didn’t get to see a lot of the resulting riots, but I did see angry townspeople and harried militia moving through the streets later and heard there were a few deaths. After I got sprung from the jail, I got on the amulet from my undisclosed location and made some noise about “Maybe NOW you’ll see this stuff’s serious business!” while finishing off the last of the fig and walnut biscotti and thinking about how this all fit into Lylia’s larger plans (because even though I rarely have one, Lylia always has a larger plan). I also sent a couple of PMs to folks so they knew it was meant in fun and purely roleplayed, which I hope made it through the screen scroll.

Thadston offered to help quash the violence in town, but Pup told him it was in hand, and everything simmered down — at least, it did until tonight. DUN DUN DUNNN, the Atonement’s coming!

— Lauren, Lylia’s player

Now, from an IC perspective:

Quin Telaren may send roltons away from the gates, but he is powerless to stop the rising tide of zealotry within the town’s own walls. It seems no one cares to stop it despite the waves of murderous behavior such hateful rhetoric has incited. We cannot even walk the streets without being accosted by mad Koarites proclaiming our incipient doom and frothing at the mouth about this Atonement, and that is if we are lucky. The unlucky ones, those of mixed heritage, get a crossbow bolt or a knife in the dark.

A white-robed priest occupied a place in front of Moot Hall itself and was not chased away; instead, he was welcomed to whip the crowd into a frenzy, giving courage and purpose to those very murderers who kill our own citizenry. While our own mayor stood before this zealot and made jests about handing over a citizen — no, not just a citizen, but a former political rival of his, which I believe is no coincidence — for their monstrous Atonement, I believed it was time to take action.

My original intent was simply to open a vein in the man’s neck and choke off his words, proving to the assembled townsfolk that Koar could not save this man from the merest expression of sorcerous displeasure. I soon realized, though, that this was an opportunity to make a greater point: This is no laughing matter. While our human leadership jokes about handing over one of the town’s most prominent non-human, agnostic citizens to Chaston Griffin’s Atonement, I felt the need to end such jests — no, to drench them with the blood such cavalier disregard demands. I was clearly not the only listener in that crowd who shared this sense of outrage. How fitting, then, that the one who ended the priest’s miserable life is also not human, also a sorceress, also with something more to lose.

Some may deplore the violence that occurred last night. I am with you in condemning it. What many do not see, though, is that the priest’s speech would have ended in blood regardless — only if he had not died, it would have been the blood of our half-elven citizens, our Lornon worshippers, our non-believers, our Aelotoi and Faendryl and Dhe’nar. These zealots will not stop until they see a world that mirrors them. We cannot treat it as a jest. We cannot afford to indulge this hatred under the guise of free worship even if the Liabo-loving humans among us fail to perceive the enormity of the threat this warped faith represents.

We do not have the luxury of laughter. Now perhaps you see this clearly.

— Lylia Rashere Faendryl

Date: 08/27/2016 04:21 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Last night's riot, both IC and OOC
Reply to the ooc summary: sangria is the devil’s drink.nuff said.

I had actually considered throwing an ewave at one point even had incant 410 typed up on the command line. Thought against it…. I already have enough people mad at me… A few of them were in the room with

So yes that I did in fact sleep a few players but in the end things evened out because of that damn pestilence spell

Aftermath has me thinking about some status changes with my character. Stay tuned

Date: 08/27/2016 05:24 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Last night's riot, both IC and OOC
From my OOC standpoint:

Rozy views the Blameless as just another troublesome blood magic cult. She’s always been a bit “raze it and salt the earth”, especially when faced with the idea of herself or friends being handed over for some sort of punishment (talk about a trigger). So, the second I saw my screen scroll, it was implosion time! If I hadn’t been RPing Rozy true to her backstory, maybe that priest would still be alive, but as far as Rozy’s concerned? She thinks she sees the bigger picture and to heck with trying to be nice and civilized – that only allows them better leverage against you.

Of course the silly bloodthirsty gnome is very fixated on how people she likes see her, so there were some awkward moments when the townspeople and characters scolded her, but in general I think all the players KNOW that this incident would have happened anyways and the scolding was half-hearted. She secretly thinks that 69k was a bargain for silencing that guy and proving that Koar didn’t sign off with what’s going on; otherwise that priest wouldn’t have been made into glop, right?

She was running naked through the streets (THAT’s a mental image for ya!) and came across one of the angry farmers just standing around, but I felt it wouldn’t be prudent for her to splat him right then, since he wasn’t being aggro. After I managed to get her clothing back on, she went to go see what was happening when one of the townsfolk swung at Bekke. Well, Rozy loves Bekke’s cat and is constantly trying to fix it up with tomcats so she can have some fresh kittens, and if Bekke died that wouldn’t ever have a chance of happening. Implosion time! After a while it was just all of us sleeping and calming the cult members down while some were being angry that people were killing them.

Rozy DOES have a reason for most everything she does, even if it might not be understandable at the moment. She’s very protective of certain people and ideas, and if she thinks that either of those (or herself) are in danger she’s going to take care of it RIGHT NOW.

No IC side, since she also wouldn’t sign her name to anything that could be attributed directly to her. 🙂

Date: 08/27/2016 06:07 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Last night's riot, both IC and OOC
After a brief discussion, I’ve decided to make public to PLAYERS (not characters) the backstory that I have for Rozy. This knowledge is strictly OOC, and if you come to Rozy talking about it she WILL implode you and run away screaming that you’ll never make her go back.

Date: 08/27/2016 06:55 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Last night's riot, both IC and OOC
I always love finding out more about people’s mindsets and character motivations after the fact. It shows how much care and thought and effort goes into roleplay and why characters make the decisions they do. Thank you for sharing that history, Rozy, and for showing that there’s a difference between the “I’m in ur RP killin ur dudes lol” philosophy we memorably saw once during CiS and staying true to your character. Rozy’s actions were the direct result of who she is and what she’s been through, and I think it adds a great deal of depth and dimension to the world when our characters don’t all agree on the right or moral course of action while still leaving room for others’ RP.

Is anyone else as excited as I am about the Atonement tonight? 😀

Date: 08/27/2016 08:02 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Last night's riot, both IC and OOC

I’m pretty stoked but I’m probably going to be late…work sucks.

Date: 08/27/2016 08:08 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Last night's riot, both IC and OOC

For my characters part? Hapenlok is acting a bit different than he used to. Aside from the fact that there’s that little matter of The Poisoned prisoner hanging over his head he’s also trying avoid committing atrocities for a change I’m trying to do it a little bit as a the past haunting me not sure how well it is succeeding but the sheer fact of the matter is he doesn’t trust himself very much right now considering how easy a certain person thing is controlling him… And it’s the sheer fact of matter he doesn’t want to kill are allowed to be killed people who took him in when he was hiding from the empire and their bounty with that being said if anybody’s feelings were hurt with me sleeping them I apologize

Date: 08/27/2016 08:10 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Last night's riot, both IC and OOC

Auto correct makes me sound so incoherent. Stupid phone. Hopefully get the gist of what I’m trying to say got through there


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