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Jorshin is Seeking Alliances

GM Wakefield lets us know Jorshin is back, and looking for someone to make an alliance with …

Category: Towns
Topic: Solhaven

Date: 02/10/2017 07:37 PM CST
Subj: Seeking Alliances
A bitterly cold wind greeted Jorshin as he slowly climbed down from the wagon he had caught a ride into the aid camp on. He marveled at how much of a difference just being out of the gale had made as he hitched his cloak up on his shoulders and pulled it close around him, suppressing the shudder that tried to run through his quickly cooling body. Jorshin’s concentration slipped, and he barely kept from falling face-first into a snowbank, as he half stumbled the last few feet of his descent. Only an outstretched hand that blindly found purchase against the rough wood side of the supply wagon kept him from his fate.

Jorshin cautiously started up the rough path toward his destination, still not entirely sure how he was going to make his proposal. The last time he had come, with a group of local heroes and some of the knights from Solhaven and the surrounding areas, the person he had intended to speak with had not been present at the camp. Jorshin desperately hoped that was not the case today. He could tell that time was beginning to run short. Kormack had continued to gradually swap out men that knew and liked Jorshin for rugged mercenaries in his guard, and there had been more than one additional heated discussion about just how profitable this enterprise was with Jorshin not going out of his way to take advantage of the situation. Although he now knew that the man who had stopped the wagon he traveled in the month prior was not sent by Kormack, Jorshin was still convinced that his father had somehow learned of his actions, and that Kormack was working under orders to impede, or possibly even stop him, by any means necessary.

The tops of the palisade watch towers came into sight as Jorshin continued his apprehensive approach to the camp. He knew the small shapes moving in the distance were guardsmen walking the walls, vigilant in their duty with all that had transpired. As the path topped a small rise leading to the main gate, the full walls of the fortifications came into view; as did Jorshin appear to the men watching for signs of any incoming or unwelcome guests. One pointed and whispered something to a comrade who then disappeared down a ladder below. Jorshin wasn’t afraid of being denied entrance; everyone knew who he was at this point. Still, for some reason the action of the guardsman did little to calm the feelings of uneasiness and concern that he struggled to keep from showing on his face.

Jorshin eyed the gate, a large sunburst sigil standing out starkly against the coarse bands of forged steel that reinforced the wooden planks. A guard poked his head over the top of the wall and called down to him, “Ho there trader! Come to visit us again have you? Don’t worry, we sent word as soon as we saw you approach. That green cloak of yours might blend in nicely during the summer, but in this barren forest, it sticks out against all that snow. We’ll have the gate open for you in just a moment.”

Jorshin smiled and waved to the guard with a great deal more patience than he was feeling at the moment. He vaguely recognized the man’s face; there were only so many guards in the camp at any given time. Lord Salnim had the contingent of Vornavis guards rotated out fairly regularly so that they didn’t grow stale on constant guard duty. Being away from home for too long would eventually lead to hard feelings amongst even the most disciplined ranks. What Jorshin had been surprised to learn, however, when making idle conversation with some of them, was that a number of men had approached their commanders and requested to be stationed at the camp more frequently than was required by the duty roster. Evidently, they liked being under the command of Captain Martohck, and saw guarding the aid supplies as their way of being able to contribute to the cause of assisting Talador. As far as Jorshin had heard, Captain Gurbah had been more than willing to honor their requests and had instructed his Lieutenants to allow any man that wanted to rotate back on duty to temporarily join another company to do so.

A small man-sized door built into the palisade gate swung open, and a junior officer ducked his head to avoid the top as he passed through to greet Jorshin. Bowing slightly, fist to chest, he politely asked Jorshin what he could do for him. Upon hearing Jorshin’s reply the officer bowed again, this time slightly deeper, and asked Jorshin to follow him inside. He could feel the eyes of men on him as he followed his escort north through the camp. Guards peered down from atop their walled posts. A few looked out from inside their tents and from the open-aired mess set up for meals. Jorshin smiled and waved whenever eye contact was made with a man with whom he was on good terms, but inside the feeling of nervous anxiety continued to build. They made their way past untold numbers of boxes, piles of supplies, and well-tended fire pits fighting back against the oppressive cold that engulfed everything. The fires were welcome and warm, though Jorshin couldn’t help but feel as if the heat emanating from them was in some way diminished. The fire’s heat did not reach as far as it should have, almost as if winter itself fought back against the burning intrusion into its icy dominion.

Eventually they came to a large crimson pavilion set up at the very north end of the camp. Holding the flap aside, the junior officer beckoned for Jorshin to proceed in ahead of him, allowing the material to fall closed as he followed. Seated behind a travel desk with his attention buried in a stack of papers, sat the man Jorshin had come to see. The officer saluted, striking fist to chest and standing upright at attention. The sound of a gauntleted hand striking armor signaling their presence. The man paused and raised his head, his concentration having been broken by the officer’s subtle announcement. Putting on a warm smile, he stood to greet Jorshin and turned to the guard that had brought him.

“Thank you Traves, you may leave us. Please have refreshments for our guest sent on your way back to your post if you don’t mind.” The guard saluted again and backed out of the tent, leaving Jorshin alone with Captain Martohck.


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