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Icemule Town Center Safe Again – For Now. Feb 2018

An official rotund Halfling Crier read a scroll of proclamation in Town Center at Icemule, declaring that Town Center was safe once more – for now. You’ll want to catch up on the details with the entire contents which were carefully transcribed on the Officials:

Category: Towns
Topic: Announcements

Date: 02/02/2018 10:14 PM CST
Subj: Town Center is safe again… for now.
A rotund halfling strides into the room and unfurls a crisp scroll, reading the contents aloud in a raspy but firm voice.

“After considerable inspection these past few days coupled with well-thought debate among the town’s arcane scholars, it has been determined that it is safe to rest once again in Icemule Trace’s Town Center. While the ominous–and, frankly, annoying–span of electrum still looms overhead, it has not grown or changed form. The vortex within has sealed itself somehow, at least temporarily from what the local soothsayers can gather, and the arch has ceased attacking those who dared to stand nearby. Icemule Trace continues to encourage citizens and visitors to be vigilant and step lightly until all present and pressing matters of concern are resolved.”

The halfling then rolls his scroll back up, tucks it under an arm, and heads off to attend to other matters.

GameMaster Necios
Overlord of Icemule Trace
Champion of subject/verb agreement
Honorary BADNAME committee chair

Annanasi says, “The symbol of the Arkati Necios is a cuddly teddy bear on a field of pink.”

This message was originally posted in Towns, Icemule Trace. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


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