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Fellowship of Koar Update from Kenstrom

GM Kenstrom provides a small update about the gathering Fellowship of Koar among the refugees outside of the Landing, and all those converts from that Temple of Koar Rally in Talador:

Category: Towns
Topic: Wehnimer’s Landing

Date: 06/13/2016 05:32 PM CDT
Subj: The Fellowship of Koar
The refugees from Mestanir have been steadily settling in around Wehnimer’s Landing, quite pleased to be so welcomed into their new homes. Many have even begun to host small gatherings in town, or in homes, to help spread the message of the Godking Koar and enjoy the fellowship of others of like-minded faith.

In other recent news, a majority of the townspeople who traveled to Talador with Prelate Chaston to embark on a two week long revival of faith, have returned, many seemingly eager to share about their new purpose and renewed faith.


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