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ESN Day 4: Rewards for Patients
For the Fourth Day of Empath Spectacular November, GM Konacon announces experience for patients! The Herbs Guild immediately lodged a protest which was met with a formal response that started out…”We will look into your situation after Savants…”
Category: GemStone IV Announcements
Topic: Important AnnouncementsDate: 11/18/2017 10:01 AM CSTFrom: GS4-KONACONSubj: ESN: Rewards for patients!On the fourth day of ESN, empaths gained the ability to share some of their learning with their patients through the bond temporarily shared between them by the act of healing. When empaths are awarded their experience from healing, the patient will also be awarded 20% percent of that amount as Long Term Experience up to a maximum of 250 LTE per day. For those curious, the goal of this update is to encourage players to seek out healers over the alternatives when possible.Questions, concerns, joy, anger? Feel free to share!
~ Konacon
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