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Arshwikk – Demons At The Gate, A Prelude

Arshwikk shares a tale of “Demons at the Gate, A Prelude”

Category: Towns
Topic: Ta’Vaalor

Date: 01/31/2017 05:39 AM CST
Subj: Demons At The Gate, A Prelude

Bounding through the old city ruins with uncanny grace and agility even amongst elves, the ranger took sight and let fly his faewood arrow, “Fourteen”, he canted as the large avian came plummeting to the ground, the arrow having pierced it’s left eye and lodging firmly in it’s skull. Several more of the beasts, half lion and half giant eagle in appearance, were circling the area and he followed them with absolute determination. There was a sudden movement out of the corner of his eye and to his right an adversary sprung forth bringing it’s crytalline blade down broad-side to bear with bone shattering force on his bow. While the bow flew from his grip he seemed unbothered as he sidestepped the follow up attack with ease and countered with a gloved blow to the blue skinned humanoid’s head. “You don’t count”, the ranger sprung forward curling into a ball, rolled, and quickly returned to his feet having recovered his bow. Arrow in hand, he let fly again, “Fifteen…wait…”, he scanned the horizon and found it now empty, “Great! Where’d they all go?” A soft chuckle came from behind him and he turned to find himself being casually regarded by a pair stunning emerald eyes.

“Well, it would appear the infamous bird slayer, Lord Arshwikk Aralock, has scared them away.”, the sylvan smiled.

“I was…”, he stammered but had no time to finish as another blue-toned Ithzir lept from the cover of nearby rubble in ambush and knocked him to the ground. The wind rushed from his lungs and only through practiced discipline was he able to ignore his lack of breath and regain his feet. It would not have mattered though as a ghostly blue-white light enveloped the surroundings and the assailant began to writhe in agony. A nebulous haze vaporized its head leaving its remaining body to teeter briefly then fall in a heap. Not a moment later Arshwikk spoke up, “Aha! You see what I did there, Siierra? By letting it THINK it had taken me by surprise, I set it up for OUR trap!”, he looked thoughtful for a moment, “A monk showed me that move once…the sleeping monkey I think he called it…”

Siierra looked unconvinced, “Uh huh. Are you sure you weren’t just distracted?”, she winked.

“I do not get distracted! Pshhh! How absurd, I…”, he nearly tripped on a loose stone just then and catching himself glared at it as though it were somehow at fault.

The sylvan chuckled at that but her visage quickly became serious, “I must go to Vaalor.” she said. “There are strang things afoot and it appears the threat of invasion is imminent. It is quite serious. I feel obligated to help them in their time of need. There have even been demons sighted.”, pausing just enough to let the gravity of the situation sink in, she then continued, “I know you like to do things on your own…that you are free spirited and shun being led by others. In some of these things we are different, and that is fine. Should you decide to stop by and see me, I will be on the front lines. You may seek out Kakoon or Pereus to find me.”
Raising her arms, Siierra’s flawless amber hair began to rise as cerulean will’o’wisps encircled her hands. A fog slowly formed around her and in an instant she was gone.

Arshwikk stood for a moment staring at the empty space and then began to speak, glancing around, as though looking for an audience, he pointed at the spot where the sylvan once stood, “That’s right, female! I am like the wind! Unbound by mortal concerns…”, he trailed off and stood silent for a moment. A soft nudge against his thigh brought him back presently and he glanced down to see the deep blue eyes of an otherwise pure white leucistic jaguar looking up at him. “You like her, don’t you Nik?”, he sighed, “Me too.”, another pause, “She needs me you know! Sheesh, I go to Ta’Ardenai for a ten year weekend and come back and the whole realm is falling apart! I know of this Kakoon from way back. He is a ranger like us, Nik. At least they do some things right!”, he absent mindedly began to stroke Nik’s thick coat of fur, “and demons…why I bet that grumpy Faendryl, Aurach, will show up for those…”, again he looked down at the jaguar, “You are right, Nik! They will ALL need us! It is settled then. To Ta’Vaalor!”

As the scion of Aralock began to stride off with purpose another blue-skinned figure on apparent patrol happened by. Without pause and barely even looking in it’s direction, Arshwikk jabbed the Ithzir’s temple, grappled it to the ground and stomped it’s throat, eliciting a satisfying CRUNCH, “You don’t count.”


OOC Nik still appears as a golden brown jaguar IG, but the would-be grooming is a nearly 20 yr old concept (or at least as old as companions themselves) and it’s important to me that he is seen as he will be. If your name was mentioned it means I like you. I do not mention people to hurt their character or person. If I actually depict (with dialogue) a character I will ask permission, like in the case of Siierra here. Also, apologies if the format is all wrong. This is not really my style of writing and it’s been a really long time. I do, however, plan to deliver future “mini-episodes” depicting interaction with other characters if this goes over well. Constructive criticism is welcome. I am not fragile. Finally, colorful personality interests me, IG, and IRL. Over-the-top rp does not. Do not seek me, I will find you. Expect Crime to be one of my next victims, if he is willing. “You shoulda been a rogue” will go nicely if we do episode #2

Date: 01/31/2017 06:26 AM CST
Subj: Re: Demons At The Gate, A Prelude
Fantastic stuff in this thread. I am really enjoying seeing the recent events from so many characters’ point of view. Thank you everyone for sharing.

Ta’Vaalor Guru
Erithi Guru
Burghal Gnome Guru

“Mother should I trust the Government?”

Date: 01/31/2017 01:59 PM CST
From: SAM2004
Subj: Re: Demons At The Gate, A Prelude
I have absolutely loved reading these posts. I definitely need to step up my writing game. I cannot wait to read part two of sound the alarm.

Thank you to everybody for adding their own perspective and ideas to drive the story forward. I’ve heard so many different theories and guesses as to who the bad guy is and it’s fantastic! It keeps everybody guessing and on their toes. I’m really looking forward to all the new stories people post

The Legion’s Ranger!forum/crimson-legion


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