Shop Listings for Festival of the Fallen 5124
FESTIVAL OF THE FALLEN-TV: The full list for this weekend’s...
Playershops Update: Evictions (ouch!) and Claiming your Shop Crate
NEWS: GM Eusah announced an update to better Playershops: Claiming...
Ebon Gate Shop Inventories Available at Wiki
EBON GATE NEWS: GM Elysani said that the full wiki shop listing is...
Knit It Shop Slated for Inventory Update Later In July 2024
PREMIUM: The Knit It Shop in Mist Harbor will close towards the end...
Summer Wares Make a Showing at Ta’Illistim’s Well-Heeled
NEWS: The Ta’Illlistim shop, Well-Heeled, announced a newly...
Tearlach’s Smokeshop Inventory Refresh Due End of June 2024
NEWS: The Gentlemen’s Leaf shop of Ta’Illistim will be...
Player Shop Tip – Get A Manifest
TIP: Here’s a tip for Playershop owners: don’t miss out...
Recommend Your Favorite Rumor Woods Items for the Shopping Guide
BUYER’S CHOICE: Recommend your favorite things for sale at...
Potion Update at Cysaegir Alchemy Shop
UPDATE: Raechaer’s Alchemical Supplies in Cysaegir has updated...
Ta’Illistim Shops Getting Updates
NEWS: Ta’Illistim shops will be undergoing rennovations and...
The Kindred Games Festival Shops
KINDRED GAMES SHOPS: GM Thandiwe announced the list of shops for The...
Take Control of Your Inventory with ;invdb
Just in time for Ebon Gate: Don’t miss the Lich script that will catalog and search inventory, lockers, bank accounts, and other stuff *across characters*. Look for ;invdb by Xanlin in the repository. #GemStoneIV

INVENTORY Command Update August 2023
GM Naiken posted an INVENTORY command update. INVENTORY LOCATION [USAGE} will list your items by worn location in head-to-toe order, optionally with each slot’s usage info, if specified. #GemStoneIV

Inventory Alerts Turned Back On, Functional Items Still Being Reviewed
GM Naiken updates everyone on the inventory and functional slot. Inventory Alerts are turned back on and INV LOC and INV USAGE are updated. Remember to use BUGITEM if you had an item affected by the recent functional update. Details: #GemStoneIV

INVENTORY Command Option to List All But Tucked Things
GM Naiken announces an addition to the INVENTORY Command, INVENTORY NOTUCK – it lists of your items that will not include TUCKed items. #GemStoneIV

Additional Inventory Slots Announced for Premium Members
GM Quilic revealed that there will be increased inventory limits for active #Premium members. Each of the following worn locations gain an extra function and non-functional slot: Finger, Neck, Wrist, Earlobe, and Earlobes (both ears)! Details: #GemStoneIV

The Official Dragonfly Festival 5123 Shops and Info at the Wiki
Get your Dragonfly Festival 5123 information, along with the shops’ listings, at the wiki! Remember not to delay, the Festival closes Sunday just before midnight! https://bit.ly/3rAfEbP #GemStoneIV

Elemental Rings Updated For Non-Functional Slot
PM Wyrom announced the Elemental Rings update: they’re a non-functional inventory slot. To convert one, remove it, and wear it again. Details in link.