ESN Day 7: Rapid Healing for Empaths
On the seventh day of ESN Empaths get Rapid Healing! Read GM Konacon’s announcement:
Category: GemStone IV Announcements
Topic: Important AnnouncementsDate: 11/22/2017 11:25 AM CSTFrom: GS4-KONACONSubj: ESN: Rapid Healing (1116)!On the seventh day of ESN, empaths one and all gathered together to say goodbye to a beloved friend, Cry For Help… To make way for a new friend, Rapid Healing!Rapid Healing lasts for 60 seconds, and has a 30 minute cooldown. While the spell is up:
– The base RT of all healing spells is halved from 10/20/30/40 to 5/10/15/20. Note that this is done before empath ranks or transformation lore are taken into account, which would mean that a level 100 empath with no ranks in transformation lore would have no healing RT while under the effects of this spell.
– Chance to heal an underlying scar when healing a minor wound (Through cast or 1125) is increased by 25%, even if you normally have no chance to heal the underlying scar due to not enough blessings lore.Mental Lore, Transformation provides a chance to heal a rank 2 or 3 wound fully with the same chance as Spiritual Lore, Blessings normally has to heal an underlying scar.
– Example: An empath with 54 ranks of ML:Transformation and 0 ranks of SL:Blessings healing a rank 2 limb wound would have a 22% chance to heal that wound down to a rank 0, and if that happened, a separate 25% chance to also remove the underlying scar.Questions, thoughts, concerns? Let me know!
PS: Due to holidays, this is going to be the last day of ESN until Monday… Which is terrible because I am super excited about the next release!
~ Konacon
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