by Leafiara

For the year of 2019, I’m tracking changes and additions in the world of GS. This post will be updated regularly for your perusal at any time!

This list focuses on mechanics and fluff and generally doesn’t include storylines unless they have a tangible effect on the game world (e.g. destruction or creation of a building). It also doesn’t list events just because they exist, but does list things like new scripts they introduce.

If I miss anything major, please feel free to contact me (Leafiara) on Discord or in-game!

(Note: For January to April I was also tracking announcements of future plans, but this became impossible to keep up with because of how quickly the Discord messages fly.)



Updates and Additions

Announcements and Teasers

Bug Fixes

  • 28th: Update to Sleep (501) messaging to not incorrectly show winged vipers being knocked to the ground

Policy Changes



Updates and Additions

Announcements and Teasers

  • 9th: “Custom Messaging Review” in progress; will eventually be able to redeem multiple custom messages like sanctuaries, bolts, and tumbleweeds and toggle between them

Bug Fixes



Updates and Additions

  • 1st: Black ora gear from arena and heist packages is no longer cursed
  • 3rd: Successful live playershop lottery tests, kicking off regular playershop releases
  • 7th: New treasure item released: small totem head
  • 22nd: Ensorcell (735) messaging added for when weekly max necrotic energy is reached
  • 22nd: Testing of new lag reduction fixes (changes invisible to players)
  • 28th: Warning RT when trying to turn in a bounty while saturated is no longer reduced by haste effects
  • 28th: Earthen Fury (917) cast against players now has reduced critical damage for the first cycle
  • 29th: New playershop features begin testing on test server: SHOP BROWSE to browse the inventory of any playershop from anywhere, SHOP INSPECT to see the details of a playershop item, and SHOP PURCHASE to send an urchin runner to buy a playershop item from anywhere that a runner can be sent from

Bug Fixes

  • 23rd: Bug fixed with weekly Ensorcell (735) necrotic energy gains ending before hitting the weekly cap



Updates and Additions

  • 9th: Can now ANALYZE items in playershops
  • 15th: WTRICK APPRAISE now uses TARGET
  • 18th: Fishing titles added
  • 20th: By request, runestaves can now be weighted for use as physical twohanded weapons at the smithy after a confirmation
  • 22nd: Spring Spectacular Day 1: new playershop features go live: SHOP DIRECTORY to see shop listings from anywhere, SHOP BROWSE to see inventory listings from anywhere, SHOP INSPECT to look at individual listings from anywhere, and SHOP PURCHASE to buy items from anywhere using urchin runners (as long as they haven’t been added to the shop within the past hour)
  • 23rd: Spring Spectacular Day 2: roundtime reduced in “civilized” areas for disarming traps and measuring locks with calipers; new Water lore benefit for Disarm Enhancement (404) to offer protection against setting off a trap when failing to disarm it
  • 23rd: INCANTing Ethereal Censer (320) now open casts if there are no enemy targets
  • 24th: Spring Spectacular Day 3: Smite/Bane (302) changes: Smite now deals the same damage as Bane against living targets, Bane deals the same damage against undead as it does against living targets, and Smite is now identical for unconverted or converted clerics (Smite retains its additional damage against the undead)
  • 25th: Spring Spectacular Day 4: empaths now try to automatically imprint after their transfer effect on another character expires
  • 26th: Spring Spectacular Day 5: when casting elemental bolts, Fire lore will determine their power if you have more ranks of Fire lore than the elemental lore the bolts would usually benefit from
  • 27th: Spring Spectacular Day 6: Holy Bolt (306) gains EVOKE version at 30 Religion lore with the same damage factors and AvD as Telekinesis (1206) against any target
  • 28th: Spring Spectacular Day 7: ObviousHiding flag released; when a room has at least one hidden character with the flag on, the description has an extra line indicating that someone’s hidden
  • 29th: Spring Spectacular Day 8: Condemn (309) released, a new SMRv2 spell that uses Cleric Base and Spell Aiming ranks and deals deity-specific damage and debuffs over time
  • 29th: Neutralize Curse (previous 309) moved to 1716 slot or can be cast as EVOKE 315 by a cleric
  • 29th: Bless Item (304) now opens Landing graveyard gate
  • 29th: More areas now count as civilized for reduced disarming RT, including near-town spots, in-town spots that weren’t working, and Major Sanctuary (220)
  • 30th: Spring Spectacular Day 9: Empathy (1108) can now affect the undead using the same Telepathy lore mechanics as Sympathy (1120)

Announcements and Teasers

  • 2nd: Premium hunting grounds in the works; first one to be for lower levels, but there are plans for a wider range
  • 2nd: Planned revamp to how new characters experience the “tutorial content (beyond the Sprite Quest)”, plus “much later” that will include new areas

Bug Fixes

  • 14th: Messaging for weekly Ensorcell (735) cap no longer shows for others in the sorcerer’s group instead of the sorcerer
  • 23rd: Some rooms at the Luna Rest tavern fixed for purposes of trap disarming RT



Updates and Additions

  • 1st: Spring Spectacular Day 10: first cycle of Divine Wrath (335) now hits instantly (with no need for lore training) and a bug was fixed about recasting after STOPping 335
  • 2nd: Spring Spectacular Day 11: 15 new speech verbs and 7 new speech tones released
  • 3rd: Spring Spectacular Day 12: FISHING verb released to show your fishing stats
  • 3rd: Spring Spectacular Day 12: TICKET verb updated: applicable alternative currencies can be deposited and withdrawn from anywhere at no cost; rachi currency renamed to raikhen
  • 3rd: Spring Spectacular Day 12: SaferDrop and NoMarkedDrop flags released; respectively, they ask confirmation for moving items out of your inventory and prevent you from moving marked items out of your inventory
  • 4th: Spring Spectacular Day 13: Miracle (350) updated to always provide a chrism effect; Blessings lore benefit changed to provide a use of MANA SPELLUP upon resurrection; new BESEECH TELEPORT allows teleporting to the nearby respawn spot before resurrecting
  • 5th: Spring Spectacular Day 14: Enchant (925) overhauled to new +1 instant-cast system with offensive-mana-based essence buildup (for far more details, see the post)
  • 5th: SENSE verb updated to show progress for Ensorcell (735) necrotic energy
  • 6th: Spring Spectacular Day 15: APPRAISE updates: APPRAISE GROUP to check health of group, APPRAISE TARGET to check status of enemy, APPRAISE gems or skins at no RT and now needs flat 25 ranks of Trading for success, and empaths get clickable links to heal wounds when APPRAISEing a character
  • 7th: Spring Spectacular Day 16: RT reduced (for player characters only) for Bull Rush, Cutthroat, Dirtkick, Groin Kick, Haymaker, Sucker Punch, Subdue, Sweep, Tackle, Trip, Twin Hammerfists, and Cheapshots: Footstomp, Kneebash, Swiftkick, and Throatchop
  • 8th: Spring Spectacular Day 17: Dispels can now be CHANNELed to remove only harmful effects
  • 14th: Condemn (309) messaging updated
  • 18th: Various tweaks to Enchant (925) (for far more details, see the post)
  • 26th: Recent game engine updates to combat lag made earlier in the month; hiccups being worked out

Bug Fixes

  • 16th: SHOP SALES report now shows items bought with runners


Updates and Additions

Bug Fixes



Updates and Additions

  • 6th: Updates to gifted creatures: new boons, tweaks to previous boons, new adjectives, update to ASSESS to show hints of what the boons are, tweak to stop ignored creatures from piling up, slight increase to minimum strength, long-term experience boost rewards for defeating them
  • 13th: Sylvarraend now civilized for locksmith RT reduction purposes
  • 16th: Can now toss back fish
  • 16th: Can now destroy scrip pouches and seashell buckets for refunds
  • 16th: MSTRIKE and BERSERK updated; mstrike can set defaults for each attack type, including UAC, and berserk can now use UAC (but only punches and kicks, randomly) if the default is anything other than attack
  • 23rd: Can now DEPOSIT SILVER to deposit silver but not notes in a bank
  • 24th: Maneuvers newly made UAC compatible: Shield Pin, Shield Strike, Silent Strike, Stance of the Mongoose; will tier up if possible, otherwise use jab
  • 30th: Item loss changes released; disarmed, cursed, hurled, etc. items disappear into the shadows and you have 90 days to get them, usually in the room they were lost; RECOVER verb added with options like RECOVER ITEM, RECOVER LIST, RECOVER FORGET, RECOVER HURL; Adventurer’s Guild updated to retrieve items for a silver fee; Spirit Servant (218) updated to be able to recover items from anywhere in the game up to an hour later, and linger longer after a resurrection; max Disarm Weapon RT reduced from 20 to 8 seconds; hard-skinned enemies or enemies using Brace (1214) no longer inflict RT when knocking a weapon down


Bug Fixes



Updates and Additions


Bug Fixes




Updates and Additions

Bug Fixes



Note: as a reminder/clarification, I try to give the date when players are first able to obtain new items instead of when they’re finished or announced. For most festivals it’s just the start date, but with Ebon Gate it could be when shops opened (the 7th), when games opened (the 10th), when the Jangling Junker opened (the 11th), or even when merchant week started (the 18th). I’ve tried to line them up appropriately, but some dates may be slightly off.

Updates and Additions




Updates and Additions

Bug Fixes

  • 4th: Alchemy jar updates: uncursed gems stay uncursed when removed from jars, F2P can no longer exceed 100 item limit, and can no longer SHAKE the jar while in RT
  • 5th: Altered pearls fixed for alchemy jarring




Updates and Additions

  • 30th: Sewer rats now able to return to their sack instead of taken by the janitor in most cases
  • 31st: WAYLAY released for attacking from hiding

Bug Fixes


Leafi reports on current events in and around Wehnimer’s Landing, where she can often be found dashing about day and night! She also hosts public Town Hall meetings in the Landing and helps with numerous TownCrier projects behind the scenes, including entirely too many proposals that create more work for Luxie. Does this lass’s troublemaking know no end?