ENDLESS CHAMPS: Final Endless Arena Leaderboard Standings for Duskruin Spring 2024: Congratulations all around to our Arena Champs! Lots of records fell to the wayside this time:

  1. Rogue – Xanlin (301) ** New record for all professions, too.
  2. Paladin – Fulmen (212)
  3. Ranger – Ralkean (193)
  4. Wizard – Idalias (185)
  5. Sorcerer – Rolfard (174)
  6. Warrior – Perigourd (156)
  7. Bard – Yakushi (154)
  8. Monk – Takoa (153)
  9. Cleric – Brute (144)
  10. Empath – Irval (88)

All time new record set at 301 by Xanlin!

New Profession records are bolded.


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.