RUMOR WOODS NEWS: Vintage Visions, the Private Property Shop at Rumor Woods, has finally opened. There is a long list of things to note in the shop, and I’m going to link to them so that condensing them for a headline does not result in bad information. Get what you need in the few shopping days left. TIP: Cross reference what she wrote with the shop at the wiki:
Text of Discord Post follows:
GM Thandiwe
Vintage Visions Opens
on 01 May 2024 9:27 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #event-announcements channel
Vintage Visions is now open at Rumor Woods. There have been the following changes and additions made to the shop:
Opened Up for Stalls & Lofts
A property design slip is a private property attunement certificate that can be used to obtain alters for your private property items.
This will provide EXHALE, GAZE, LEAN, and TICKLE to a window in your property.
This will create a scripted water basin for your property.
This will allow you to imbed one item the room description of your property.
This will allow you to move a permanent item in your property on/in/behind/under another permanent item.
This will allow you to add a stove permanently to your property (you must provide the stove).
This will allow you to add an ice cream churn permanently to your property (you must provide the churn).
This will allow you to add a still permanently to your property (you must provide the still).
To Remain Private Property Only
This will grant your exterior door keyless entry. It also allows your guests to leave if you lock the door.
This will grant one key from your property the teleportation ability.
This will transfer your property from a rental property to a permanent property.
The wiki page for this shop has been updated for 2024.
Direct Discord Link (Right click, copy link, and paste into Discord App if you don’t want to use the Discord web interface.)