ELECTION-WL: The *nail-biting* TownCouncil Election in the Landing ended Wednesday Night, and of the four candidates to fill the four seats, here are the results: Kayse – 65, Pookia – 42, Vaemyr – 16, and Kiyna – 7 Congratulations New Council Members!


Wehnimer’s Landing Town Council – The Votes are In!

09/15/2022 12:45 AM CDT

from Play.Net Forum Link

in Wehnimer’s Landing

The votes are in!

The next Town Council of Wehnimer’s Landing has been decided!

130 players cast their votes!

The final tally is…

Kayse – 65
Pookia – 42
Vaemyr – 16
Kiyna – 7

Congratulations to the new Town Councilors!

Their official term will begin 10/1.

A special thanks also to Leafiara, Chandrellia, Fahlo, Chamorr, and later Pukk who served as our first round of player town council members and set the bar!

Buy deeds.

-GM Kenstrom-
Waylayer of Wehnimer’s Landing


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.