EVENT: Join Iskandr and his cavalcade of chaos cretins on Saturday, October 29 at 11:30pm at the gallows of Vigil’s End (Room 31960) for his final event of the Ebon Gate season for kegs and tales to shake you right out of your skin. Brush off your most haunting tale of old or devise a fresh one or just come for a drink and a listen.

Text of Discord Post follows:

Iskandr’s Haunting Stories
on 27 October 2022 03:29 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
in Discord Forums world-events

Join Iskandr and his cavalcade of chaos cretins on Sat 29 Oct at 11:30 pm EST at the gallows of Vigil’s End (31960) for his final event of the EG season for kegs and tales to shake your right out of your skin.

Brush off your most haunting tale of old or devise a fresh one. Come try a scary story for the first time or bring your past Carnivale or Bardbest tales of horror. All is fair game as long as it shakes the assorted denizens of the night around you in their boots.

Not a story teller? Then just come for a listen!

There will be ample booze, as always, so come join us on the gallows to close out our time in Naidem!

Direct Discord Link


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.