HOT SUMMER NIGHTS PREMIUM EDITION: GM Quilic announced Hot Summer Nights Release #5, an increase in the number of premium transporter messaging options. From the list of 60 current ones only 11 are event-specific. The rest will be available for any merchant offering GALD, general services, if they are willing. This will also be available via a Sadie scroll. Read all your choices:
Text of Discord Post Follows:
GM Quilic
Hot Summer Nights Release #5: Premium Transporter Messaging
on 19 Jul 2023 1:54 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #premium-announcements channel
Effective immediately, the number of available premium transporter messaging options has increased rather dramatically. There are now a total of 60 options, though some are still event-gated (Ebon Gate and former Spitfire messaging, for example). The Wiki ( will be up to date soon with messaging for the new options, but here is the full list of options (Please note that the items with a ** after them are not to be used without specific permission, as they are venue-specific.):
1. Disorienting Winds
2. Swirling Sounds
3. Simple and Quick
4. Eroded By Sandstorm
5. Dancing Lights
6. Dense Fog
7. Shadowy Tendrils
8. Seagull Experience
9. Door
10. Whirlwind
11. Porcelain Pieces
12. Fire
13. Water
14. Leaves
15. Metal Runes (variable number of runes)
16. Unraveling
17. Licking Mists**
18. Rising Spirits**
19. The Black Coach**
20. Skeletal Fog**
21. Squishy Rats**
22. Noxious Scents**
23. Vines
24. Lightning
25. Frost
26. Blinding Light
27. Butterflies
28. Quicksilver
29. Cloud
30. Feathers
31. Rainbow
32. Bubbles
33. Walk the Plank**
34: Drunken Pirates**
35: Landlubber’s Dinghy**
36: Ocean Wave**
37: Captain’s Wheel**
38: Topspin
39: Sinkhole
40: Beetles
41: Ozone
42: Cherry Blossoms
43: Big Spider
44: Little Spiders
45: Quicksand
46: Murder
47: Beansprout
48: Fabulous
49: Stained Glass
50: Swan Dive
51: Mist
52: Kidnapped
53: Fiery Tempest
54: Gift
55: Snap Smoke
56: Dance Troupe
57: Worm
58: Kettle
59: Claw
60: Balefire
In addition, transporter messaging changes are now widely available. Any merchant doing GALD, or general services, is able to make this change as a single service, though please note that some merchants may still decline to work on these (as with any other service). There will also be regular options to make this change via merchants on FWI.
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With the previous release allowing for GALD merchants to alter messaging, you may also use an Alteration Scroll to do this. The services would cost 300 PPs, the same as a standard service. All the venue-specific exceptions still apply.