ANNOUNCEMENT: PM Wyrom updated everyone on the status of the fix impacting FAMILY and ASTRAL vaults. It is going to be some time before it is resolved at the game engine level. He will share more information as he can, but is hopeful it can be resolved by the end of the week. In the meantime, enjoy a 20% bonus experience during the difficulties!
Text of Discord Post follows:
PM Wyrom
Family and Astral Vaults Update
on 09 Jul 2024 6:58 PM
from the Official GemStoneIV Discord
on #general-announcements channel
We have been working on a fix that has impacted both FAMILY and ASTRAL VAULTS, but it’s still going to be some time before it is resolved. I will continue to update everyone via announcements. Once I have more details I can share, I will. We are hopefully looking at the end of the week to have something in place to get them back on. This is a game engine issue, which isn’t something the GameMasters work on. We had to bring one of our engineers out of retirement to assist us.
Due to the downtime over the weekend and the lack of being able to use your FAMILY and ASTRAL VAULTS, we now have 20% bonus exp active, similar to other promo experience we’ve done! This will be running until I have an update for everyone! Sorry for the inconvenience with the vaults!
Direct Discord Link (Right click, copy link, and paste into Discord App if you don’t want to use the Discord web interface.)