Endless Arena Leaderboard Standings in Duskruin
(from Tuesday, 5 March):

  1. Rogue – Xanlin (283)
  2. Paladin – Fulmen (212)
  3. Wizard – Idalias (185)
  4. Sorcerer – Rolfard (174)
  5. Ranger – Anarquendi (157)
  6. Warrior – Perigourd (156)
  7. Bard – Yakushi (154)
  8. Empath – Irval (88)
  9. Monk – Villorn (85)
  10. Cleric – Delindra (65)

Bold entries are currently record-setting results for their profession.

These preliminaries are looking pretty awesome, Endless Victors!


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.