Wyrom Posts – Finite Number of Services at Coraesine Forest
Posted17 April 2018
Last Updated On20 September 2018
Moon Master Wyrom reveals more about the Commencement of Coraesine Forest merchants: “There are a finite number of services, so each merchant will choose a selection method.” Quote/Unquote
Category: World Events, Festivals, and Storylines
Topic: Commencement of Coraesine Forest
Date: 04/13/2018 04:47 PM CDT
Subj: …more hype?
Finishes sending off over 300 MAJOR services for approval.
Wyrom, PM
Date: 04/13/2018 05:29 PM CDT
From: KAYB8
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Date: 04/13/2018 05:51 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Date: 04/13/2018 07:43 PM CDT
From: DOUG
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Enchanting Potions Chest?
Etc., etc., etc.
Date: 04/13/2018 09:48 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
> Finishes sending off over 300 MAJOR services for approval.
Aren’t YOU the guy who does the approvals?!
;tune towncrier
Rohese: “… the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)”
Xanith: “It’s flat out amazing”
Doug: “100.times ^”
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
Date: 04/13/2018 11:42 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Finishes sending off over 300 MAJOR services for approval.
Wyrom, PM
This does beg the question of whether there will be limits for major wins, and if so, by what criteria?
Also, any word on shops? If there can be some nice, useful items to be found, as with previous incarnations of this sort of event, even a couple of shops would be nice for those who don’t have time to grind for the silver needed for the big wins.
Date: 04/14/2018 08:47 AM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Actually, he’s more likely to be the front man for sales & promotions. Approving customer interactions.
Game Design, and the Development Team, are the ones more likely to approve things involving “power creep” and Monty Haul….
Date: 04/14/2018 09:57 AM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
>>Aren’t YOU the guy who does the approvals?!
We have checks and balances, so no, I’m not the guy that approves everything. I play a part in the approval process. I think this is always a big misunderstanding on how things work behind the scenes.
>>This does beg the question of whether there will be limits for major wins, and if so, by what criteria?
Information will be coming soon on this, but it won’t be your typical win restriction setup.
>>Also, any word on shops? If there can be some nice, useful items to be found, as with previous incarnations of this sort of event, even a couple of shops would be nice for those who don’t have time to grind for the silver needed for the big wins.
We’re focusing on the services. We don’t want to spread the event thin in terms of manpower.
Wyrom, PM
Date: 04/14/2018 06:39 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Simu is a constitutional republic, as it turns out 😉
Date: 04/15/2018 02:50 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
More elans so I can get my tower made permanently mine so I can stop having to remember to pay rent on the 2nd of the month? C’mon, let me throw simucoins at you.
Date: 04/15/2018 05:40 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
>>C’mon, let me throw simucoins at you.
This isn’t a SimuCoin event, nor is there any micro/macro transaction layer. Purely a silver event with the only requirement is you have paid subscription.
Wyrom, PM
Date: 04/15/2018 06:36 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Okay, let me throw silvers at you, maybe let me prepay 20 years of rent in advance… 😉
Date: 04/16/2018 05:17 AM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Is this a raffle/spinning/auction type of event? I’ve never been able to go to a coraesine event…
Is it a you have silvers and you can get the service or still have a limiter?
Date: 04/16/2018 07:23 AM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
I believe there will be all kind raffles auctions etx.
How many items per account or person i believe is still up in the air
Date: 04/16/2018 12:03 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Yes, there are a finite number of services, so each merchant will choose a selection method.
Wyrom, PM
Date: 04/16/2018 02:32 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
So … Miss Newsby would like to know if that was 300 different services submitted for rubber-stamping or 300 TOTAL services of X many different ones?
;tune towncrier
Rohese: “… the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)”
Xanith: “It’s flat out amazing”
Doug: “100.times ^”
TownCrier News Submission link: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews
Date: 04/16/2018 02:57 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Do the second so I can start up the rumor of Newsby providing fake news!
Date: 04/16/2018 03:20 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Over 300 was the quantity of offerings, not the different types of services. Outside of unique items, we don’t have over 300 services to really offer that fall into
MAJOR mindsets.
Wyrom, PM
Date: 04/16/2018 03:30 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Wyrom said it, it must be true…
Date: 04/18/2018 08:05 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Is one of those things alteration of hard to alter items? IE urglaes, urnon, or maybe…..black ora jewelry?
Date: 04/19/2018 08:06 AM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
>>Is one of those things alteration of hard to alter items? IE urglaes, urnon, or maybe…..black ora jewelry?
Wyrom, PM
Date: 04/20/2018 04:47 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
So this is on Mother’s day?
Date: 04/21/2018 11:59 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
>>So this is on Mother’s day?
A small portion of it, yes.
Wyrom, PM
Date: 04/23/2018 03:46 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
This is going to be the best mother’s day ever!
Date: 04/23/2018 06:14 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Gemstone is your mother.
Honor her!
Date: 04/23/2018 07:19 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Wrong. Gemstone is your daddy.
Date: 04/24/2018 11:56 AM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
>>>Wrong. Gemstone is your daddy.
FGM Necios
Overlord of Icemule Trace
Subscriptions team flunky
Champion of subject/verb agreement
Honorary BADNAME committee chair
The ghostly voice of Dirvy softly says, “Just shove my soul back in me where it belongs.”
Date: 04/24/2018 04:13 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Necios, I am your father.
Date: 04/24/2018 04:14 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
You dirty MAer, who’s your daddy?
Date: 04/25/2018 12:51 AM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
>>You dirty MAer, who’s your daddy?
Not you!
Date: 04/30/2018 07:51 AM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Technically we have already gotten more information on this event then we normally
get this early before a newish event.
Yeah we have known the dates for over a month.
I believe it was mentioned
On March 23rd!!!
* Tentatively May 13th to the 15th.
* There will be a service schedule like previous versions.
* Live merchants for the majority of services (with normal selection processes [spinner, raffles, lists, room order, etc]).
* Grounds will be the aftermath of siding with the Dryad.
* Little to no shops (TBD).
and then he mentioned that it was May 11th through 13th.
Date: 04/30/2018 08:09 AM CDT
From: SVEN2010
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Yeah this is actually a lot of information a lot earlier than usual. It seems odd to complain about this specific event.
And thank you so much for posting that full schedule. It’s really helpful, and now I’m even more excited than before!
Date: 04/30/2018 09:59 AM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Any idea on how much permabless will start base wise? I am very limited on coins as is and will not waste my time if its going to be too expensive.
Love the concept and silver drain and appreciate free events…just realizing i most likely cant afford any service let alone get lucky to win one.
Date: 04/30/2018 10:19 AM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
I’m fine with ‘orders of magnitude’. (Or ‘digits of scientific notation’, if you prefer.)
Split by Minor/Major would be great, too. 🙂
(So, “minor services on Sunday you can expect at least 4 [6, 8, whatever] zeros,” versus “Permablessing the coraesine you win will be 11 or 12 twelve zeros,” for example.)
Date: 04/30/2018 05:19 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
>>Re: Pricing
No way to really give you pricing examples here. It goes by the item you bring to us.
>>Changing color of will-o-wisps and changing color of ice-rings?
Color changing… Hmm. Seems appropriate for a MINOR at this venue. Ice rings are something I believe that can be done outside of this event.
>>Any chance that script swapping will be offered at this event? I heard it’s a thing but have not seen it offered anywhere.
>>I have a lightened/deepened/altered plain cloak that I’d like to make climatewear. I have a plain unlocked climatewear cloak that would be the script giver. I was told script swapping service would be my solution!
Not at this event, but I’ve done it at Duskruin in the past.
Wyrom, PM
Date: 04/30/2018 06:56 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
>>will payment by another character be allowed? or passing of silvers?
Cost |
Multi-Major Surchage |
5m |
1st Surchage |
25m |
2nd Surchage |
?? |
3rd & Higher Surchage(s) |
>No way to really give you pricing examples here. It goes by the item you bring to us.
Are we going to get penalized in any way if we win a service that we don’t have the funds for? Will the service spot be re-spun/chosen if someone doesn’t have the funds? For example, if someone is 20 mil short of a 300m service that they had no idea would cost 300m before the event, how will that be handled?
Is there a service cost cap?
Can we get a breakdown of spots per service?
Date: 04/30/2018 07:33 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
>>Are we going to get penalized in any way if we win a service that we don’t have the funds for? Will the service spot be re-spun/chosen if someone doesn’t have the funds? For example, if someone is 20 mil short of a 300m service that they had no idea would cost 300m before the event, how will that be handled?
I’ll try to be as helpful as I can with pricing. But I don’t want people to get around the passing items around rules.
>>Is there a service cost cap?
Not currently.
>>Can we get a breakdown of spots per service?
The quantity? Yeah, I can post that.
Wyrom, PM
Date: 04/30/2018 07:49 PM CDT
From: SVEN2010
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Just so I understand- is the point of the fees for passing items to
prevent passing of items? Or is it to
discourage it?
i.e. If you pass an item, you’ll be asked to pay the service fee for multiple major wins, but you’ll be able to have the item worked on. OR If you pass an item, you’ll be asked to pay the service fee for multiple major wins, but you won’t be able to have that item worked on.
Date: 04/30/2018 08:45 PM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
>>Just so I understand- is the point of the fees for passing items to prevent passing of items? Or is it to discourage it?
To make you pay for it. Prevent/discourage is sort of irrelevant in this model. The idea is both we’re trying to allow more people to get services or remove silvers from the game if you want to soak up all the services.
Wyrom, PM
Date: 05/01/2018 06:29 AM CDT
Subj: Re: …more hype?
Re: Multi-Major Surcharge costs
Any chance partial enchants could get partial surcharges?