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Vulgarity Updates from Wyrom

BIG BOSS Wyrom posts the Vulgarity Updates which the staff will be using from this point forward: He clarifies it with examples the next day:

Category: Help for Players
Topic: Policy Discussions

Date: 01/23/2017 10:37 PM CST
Subj: Vulgarity Updates
We are in the process of updating our vulgarity policy to include some new terms and refreshing some terms we previously monitored to either be more or less severe.

Other terms that may have been on the list are still on the list, I’m just going over the updates.

While I cannot go into details due to the nature of this update (as in saying these things), I will give you some tips.

* Extreme racial slurs are moving into an official warning from just a simple nudge. This does not include Elanthian terms.
* The F-word, all variations, masked and acronyms will be an official warning. Some very common internet acronyms are included here, but we had to make a ruling that was consistent.
* Graphic description of a sexual act against or regarding a non-consenting party is moving into an official warning from a soaping. If you have consent, go somewhere private.
* Additional graphic language in relation to genitalia has been added to the official warning list.
* Not-so-graphic genitalia terms have been separated and are now a soaping instead of an official warning.
* Mild vulgarity that could be related to the genitalia has been dropped to a nudge from a soaping or an official warning.

If you have to ask about something, it’s probably not a word to use in GemStone IV.

There will be no leeway going forward. Multiple words in a single form of speech will result in multiple infractions.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 01/24/2017 07:54 AM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
>> * Mild vulgarity that could be related to the genitalia has been dropped to a nudge from a soaping or an official warning.

So the use of the word ‘pickle’ in all it’s possible usages would be anything from a non-issue to a nudge?

The Pickle Fest poetry contest is saved!

>> * Graphic description of a sexual act against or regarding a non-consenting party is moving into an official warning from a soaping.

I’m honestly surprised this wasn’t already on the warning list.

Note: I realize this policy is being updated to address more serious violations and to potentially not create a serious violation out of some innocent fun. It looks like this is a good move in both directions!

— Robert

A powerful whirlpool is suddenly overtaken by a windy vortex!

Date: 01/24/2017 08:42 AM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
A few clarifications:
– I know I see people using “arse” all the time, and that is definitely an in-period variant. Clean enough?

– “You’re an ass,” as in a stubborn mule-headed sort of personality… like an ass. (The animal. Extremely similar to a donkey.) Valid?

– Something I got in trouble for here on the boards: “@#$*$&@#&!” (Hold down Shift key, and rummage around on the digit line of keys.) I think my specific usage happened to wind up at exactly five characters, and in context was interpreted as an accurate definition of a female dog.
However, after pointing out that such random characters are routinely used even in the Sunday comics in newspapers distributed to millions of people worldwide, that one was dropped.


And hell, I say a lot of things here on the Boards that could edge really close to the line…. 🙂

Date: 01/24/2017 10:51 AM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
So words that are safe to say are…

Piss, crap, ass, arse, balls, bitch, biatch, biotch, damn, slut, whore, hussy, wench, frack, freak, frig, frigging, prick, twit, and sex. None of those words are going to get you in trouble, unless you go off the rails.

I’m going to say some of the lighter stuff here that can get you a nudge or a soaping depending how it’s used. We’ll call this the orifice rule. If it’s being used in terms of an orifice or being inserted into one, you’re going to get a soaping, and if it’s more graphic, a warning.

Arsehole, asshole, dick, twat, and pussy.

That’s really all I can say without going into some foul language.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 01/24/2017 11:46 AM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
>bitch, biatch, biotch, whore, slut

why are these allowed, but dick is not?

Date: 01/24/2017 12:14 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
I think the 2nd and 3rd are pretty common in modern slang, but would agree that 1/4/5 should be disallowed if used as nouns.

(Unless #1 is used to describe an actual female dog, such as chatting with a nobleman’s huntmaster and talking about breeding coursing hounds. “I mated that bitch last year,” does NOT necessarily mean that a male speaker engaged in cross-species bestiality.)

And used as a verb… well, I’m pretty vocal with bitching about a lot of things. <nod>

Date: 01/24/2017 12:36 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates

To spell it out for at least one of you, why are most of the words used to denigrate women okay, but even the mild ones commonly used against men, including arsehole, not?

>I think the 2nd and 3rd are pretty common in modern slang

Then they have no place in GS

Date: 01/24/2017 12:38 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
So there is context in all this. Calling someone a bitch could land you into some trouble. But saying someone is bitching is on our no action list. Biotch, biatch, whore, and maybe slut can be added to a nudge. I should clarify, if you are using derogatory terms toward someone, it can always be an issue that could result in repercussions. Even if it’s not on the list. Harassment is not allowed.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 01/24/2017 12:55 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
Okay, bitch (as name calling), biatch, biotch, slut, and whore are now added to a minor infraction (we call this a nudge). It’s in the same category as dick, dickhead, asshole, etc.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 01/24/2017 01:39 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
Where’s my safe space?

Seriously, this is an adult game in a medieval (generally) setting. Vulgarity is a part of that setting. Do we need this when you already have the harassment policy? If the entire point of this is “context”, why not leave it at that standard instead of worrying about possibly offending someone that grew up in a bubble? Someone overhearing my comment to someone else as they run past on their bigshot or go2 scripts is grounds for a soaping?

Date: 01/24/2017 01:44 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates

>Where’s my safe space?

how about: women should be given the same consideration for respect as men. Does that bother you so much?

Date: 01/24/2017 01:45 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
You can be completely by yourself and get a soaping if you’re in a public area of the game. That policy hasn’t changed since 1998.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 01/24/2017 01:47 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
That is the point. Its not an adult game. We do have kids that play not as much as in the past but its there. If anything be more adult in how you act (collective you) and the GMs wouldnt have to put out policy changes like this. The fact events seeemed to have happen to make GMs update the policy is sad in of itself.

Date: 01/24/2017 02:03 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates

Penis and vagina?

Date: 01/24/2017 02:29 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
By themselves, no. Context, possibly.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 01/24/2017 02:35 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
Thanks for the update on “nudges”

>* Extreme racial slurs are moving into an official warning from just a simple nudge. This does not include Elanthian terms.

for the sake of spelling it out, how about slurs such as f–got? it happens to be a favorite of some of the members of the community.

Date: 01/24/2017 02:43 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
I can honestly say i never once heard that used in game. That said i would like to think we are mature enough that we dont need every single instance spelled out. Be mature and you will most likely never hit this policy.

Date: 01/24/2017 02:47 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates

>That said i would like to think we are mature enough that we dont need every single instance spelled out.

as the POLICY verb will likely be updated (will it be?), I’d like to see it spelled out as usage of this word by some people is not uncommon at all. I’ll quote your previous post:

>That is the point. Its not an adult game. We do have kids that play not as much as in the past but its there. If anything be more adult in how you act (collective you) and the GMs wouldnt have to put out policy changes like this. The fact events seeemed to have happen to make GMs update the policy is sad in of itself.

Date: 01/24/2017 02:53 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
Thank you. This makes me happy – you and I had a discussion about this exact thing almost a year ago. I’m glad to have been heard. 🙂

Date: 01/24/2017 02:59 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
Vulgarity placed in the POLICY verb is something likely down the road. I’ll need to add new pages or re-purpose one. It’s not a trivial addition. Maybe I’ll just make a new verb.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 01/24/2017 03:16 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
The problem with spelling out every single word against policy is people will find new slurs to use not listed and then say it wasn’t listed. I’m sure there are numerous slurs for every race and the list would get kind of ridiculous.

Date: 01/24/2017 03:46 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates

>The problem with spelling out every single word against policy is people will find new slurs to use not listed and then say it wasn’t listed.

the issue is not spelling out every single word, it is that racial slurs were specifically mentioned, while other encompassing groups of slurs were not.

Date: 01/24/2017 03:58 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
There are equivalent words in other languages that are just as vulgar as the words in English. There are memes, abbreviations, and acronyms that involve vulgar words, or mean something vulgar. There are also players who just act vulgar, regardless of the words they use. Sharing a blacklist just gives players the info to create a script that garbles their input before it goes to the game, and just posting it will offend people.

Really, the bigger issue I see is that the game has an unsupported 3rd party tool that incorporates an unofficial chat system right into the game window, that shares the game input prompt. I think you see where I’m going with this.

Date: 01/24/2017 04:03 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
Sounds like the policy will serve equally well to clean up the LNet chatter, then, as those with “Filthy Fingers” as they type get Warned/Banned for their obscene slip-ups that get routed to the game instead.

Win/Win, I call that….

Date: 01/24/2017 04:06 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
Or people will just use the scripts that protect against chat mishaps.

Date: 01/24/2017 04:37 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
Can we get the flower girl removed from the Landing then? She’s disturbing, especially with the way she is so forthcoming with her… charms. I’ve never heard anyone called a -wh04e- in game nearly as often as her, and how many people actually buy flower petals and use them to bless, (I think that’s what they’re for), with all the clerics running amok?

Date: 01/24/2017 04:50 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
There is absolutely nothing vulgar about the flower girl. Discrediting her female virtues is merely a running gag. Also, I saw her kick a kitten once.

~Land Pirate Maylan~

Date: 01/24/2017 05:38 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
Can I still say ‘shite’? Eh eh?

-james, bristenn’s player

You think to yourself, “FFF-“
A giant white bunny hurls a powerful lightning bolt at you!
You evade the bolt by a hair!

Date: 01/24/2017 05:58 PM CST
From: DAID
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
>Vulgarity placed in the POLICY verb is something likely down the road. I’ll need to add new pages or re-purpose one. It’s not a trivial addition. Maybe I’ll just make a new verb.

Yes, but how many effing nudges, soapings, or warnings would you get for telling us how you REALLY FEEL about the game backend?

Date: 01/24/2017 07:38 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
>>the issue is not spelling out every single word, it is that racial slurs were specifically mentioned, while other encompassing groups of slurs were not.

They have always been in the policy. Racial slurs were mentioned only due to being bumped up in severity. We split up the sexual terms because we needed specific “tiers” of severity.

I realize we don’t really talk about this topic much. I’m trying to clear things up as best as I can without making Aulis cringe. But the big reason for this post is you might see different infractions happening to things you’ve said in the past. We had some recent situations come up that were pretty bad. If you don’t know anything about it, then I’m glad you weren’t exposed. We do still have younger players. Some of you who have been playing for a long time now may have introduced the game to your kids. As a parent and a gamer, I’d be concerned to have my family exposed to some of the recent behaviors. Sometimes it can be funny, but there is always a line that can be crossed.

We don’t police the game heavily. Most times someone is being disruptive and we’re notified by players. Nothing has really changed in that regard. We have some new tools to help us.

I also realize this whole topic is something to chuckle over.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 01/25/2017 09:28 AM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
A slur?!?

Trust an Elf to get uptight about slurs. I mean, what’s so bad a speech impediment?!?

I see giantmen an’ humans slurring left an’ right alla time after too many stouts or whiskeys. <snort>

Date: 01/25/2017 09:22 PM CST
From: RICEA3
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
>>I also realize this whole topic is something to chuckle over.

I’ve had several good laughs while browsing this topic.

Definitely would not introduce my young children, pre-teens or even early teens to GS. By the time they would be old enough, I would expect them to be able to handle some swear words without offending their delicate sensibilities.

…You guys did see the pretty graphic scenes and adult content during the Landing storyline, right? That was obviously GM supported. How can it be argued that nonsense was appropriate for children but the word asshole isn’t? Seems very double standard-y.


Date: 01/25/2017 10:30 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
Asshole isn’t that severe. But some of the stuff that really pertain to this update are. Violence is also rated differently.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 01/26/2017 01:07 AM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
>>You think to yourself, “FFF-“
A giant white bunny hurls a powerful lightning bolt at you!
You evade the bolt by a hair!<<

Shouldn’t that be “you evade the bolt by a hare”?

Date: 01/26/2017 10:09 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
I have been playing this game for almost 20 years. (Dear Lord). This whole time, THIS WHOLE TIME I was allowed to say words I didn’t think I could get away with. Not that I have any plan to now but geeze.

Which is funny because my vocabulary outside of the game would make a Marine take pause. I vaguely remember being soaped for saying something in TSC. I was alone, I can’t even remember what the word was or why I said it.

Bottom line though…this post gave me the giggle-fits.

Date: 01/27/2017 02:24 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
So admittedly the terms “nudge” and “soaping” are new to me in a GS content. More or less I assume this means:

Nudge: A short message from a GM pointing out that your words/actions are straying into dangerous territory.

Soaping: A longer message from a GM or possibly a short lecture on proper behavior in a conference room. Perhaps a literal soaping that will silence your character for awhile.

If anyone with experience can comment on the above, please do so.


Date: 01/27/2017 02:29 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
A nudge is a GM saying, “Hey, watch the language.” It can come in many forms. A [SEND] or canned messaging are the most common. Soaping is when you literally have your mouth washed out with soap and blow bubbles for about 5 minutes. In terms of punishments, there are 3 tiers. Nudging, soaping, and warning. Enough warnings can result in a lockout.

The new system handles things in a more automated sense ONCE you are set up for monitoring. So if you’re generally using no inappropriate language, you’re not likely being monitored. But don’t get yourself set up for it by trying to test the limits. Because once you’re locked out, buh bye!

Wyrom, PM

Date: 01/27/2017 06:00 PM CST
From: CLUNK24963
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
>>* The F-word, all variations, masked and acronyms will be an official warning. Some very common internet acronyms are included here, but we had to make a ruling that was consistent.

I slapped myself the other day when I spelled “stat full” incorrectly.
Keys too close together on the keyboard they are when typing in the dark.


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)

Date: 03/02/2017 01:29 AM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
Piss, crap, ass, arse, balls, bitch, biatch, biotch, damn, slut, whore, hussy, wench, frack, freak, frig, frigging, prick, twit, and sex. None of those words are going to get you in trouble, unless you go off the rails.>>>

bitch, slut, whore should all be soapings, Wyrom.

Date: 03/02/2017 05:25 PM CST
Subj: Re: Vulgarity Updates
>bitch, slut, whore should all be soapings, Wyrom.

psst, read the rest of the thread


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