The Ebon Gate 5118 Wishlist is Open
Posted23 June 2018
Last Updated On20 September 2018
The Ebon Gate Wish List for 2018 has been started on the Officials, thanks to BURGRAFS2 – chime in with your wants: Now with the corrected link:
Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Date: 06/21/2018 03:31 PM CDT
Subj: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
Ok we are about four months out so here’s my thoughts…
1. I would like there to be some kind of regulation on raffle wins for major items, one per account. Last year a lot of people had an enormous amount of luck and won many raffles. I feel that luck should get spread around a little bit.
2. I would dearly love a guaranteed time when no merchants are going to show up so I do not have to worry about taking a shower and getting a nap. Last year I didn’t want to leave my keyboard for fear of missing something big. I know it’s my own fault for staying glued to the game for so long, but ugh, it was brutal last year trying to keep up with everything for a whole week. I little siesta time would be great for both sides.
3. Now that the island has been done, it would be nice to work a little more Halloween spirit into it. Maybe a sea witch storyline, some pirate zombies. I came to love Caligos over time, but it was a bit of a shock and huge deviation from what Ebon Gate has been for years. I definitely think it’s a wonderful place, and absolutely adored the work that went into it, I would just like a wee bit more Halloween worked into it.
4. As far as shops, I absolutely loved the merchandise that was offered. I walked away with so many clothes. I hope all of them return again this year. And I really, really hope I can get more Yansio unlocks, I think I only got two done last year, which is far from a full set.
5. Script adding to forged weapons. One of the wonderful things last year, I got anfelt scripts added to some forged weapons I had made. It would be nice if there were other services for forged weapons, like sword-canes. More forging love in general, there was a post awhile back discussing forging patterns with different base nouns, so you could make a perfect kiss-of-ivas instead of a perfect falchion. Or creating new patterns that you can turn and pick the noun of the weapon, that would also be amazing.
6. Custom Familiars! I really want one!
7. More steampunk things please! Last year was a wonderful assortment, I hope a few more ingenious things pop up this year as well, maybe some kind of swanky alchemy satchel.
8. Rikelle’s morphing armor script as well as all the metamorphic alteration things.
9. Duplicity items, peretta cloaks, masks.
10. I love the fancy coats and adornments, would love more adornments, or merchant service that would give custom alterations for all three adornments. Same thing with the Veola hats, it would be nice to have just adornment service time.
11. All the unlocks!
12. If you do Professional Courtesy again, limit the items to one per character, or one per account, this did not work out well last year.
13. I would love Needlepoint figured out.
That’s all I can think of right now, I’m going to be starting a movie marathon to get some ideas, Sweeney Todd, 20,000 leagues under the sea, Pirates of the Caribbean…might help brainstorm other ideas.
I’m super excited for it, and can’t wait!
Date: 06/21/2018 05:36 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
1) Item Property Removal
2) Player Forged Weapon Enchanting
3) Banes (No UD)
4) Another purpose for seashells other than shops.
Date: 06/21/2018 05:55 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
raffles are fine the way they are.
yes more stuff for the seashells
Date: 06/22/2018 09:20 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
an auto bundling/sorting quiver that would use the gem gather script for arrows, sorting arrows based on bless strength. so you could gather quiver and all the arrows would get bundled and put in the quiver to help with arrow management, or maybe a sort quiver command that would take the small bundles of like arrows and rebundle them.
Date: 06/22/2018 01:40 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
I might think of more later, but off the top of my head I’d mostly like enchanting and especially gemcutter pattern alterations, which were one of the most welcome surprise services at last EG. (Yes, some of us still love our gemcutter patterns
and our lapidary boxes. :P)
Date: 06/22/2018 02:13 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
I would like to see a refresh of:
-A premium home furniture shop
-A feature pavilion
~Land Pirate Maylan~
Date: 06/22/2018 07:46 PM CDT
From: MILO6
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
I can finally remove wandering tattoo from my yearly EG wishlist! Sooo happy.
Anyway, my list:
– enchants
– climatewear unlocks and customisation
– xojium unlocks over 10 verbs
– the shakers that refresh spoiled food
– those sneaky kick/kiss me signs you can stick to people
– more items sold for general tickets please (not makeup)
– eisenruck unlocks
– greater chrism holder raffle or some other item that automatically applies a chrism
– custom perfume raffle
– lots of GALD
Date: 06/22/2018 07:58 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
>>-A feature pavilion
Was definitely missing this before! Need all the fancy features. Or at least some fancy hair dyes.
_ _ _
Myasara says, “Raining rocks down on my city was not the best course of action.”
– – –
Nishima put a group of five partially frozen corpses in the Nishima disk.
Several frozen limbs peek out of the disk in a macabre fashion.
Date: 06/23/2018 06:38 AM CDT
From: KYLE
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
I looked for it since last year but nexus jewelry unlocks
Date: 06/23/2018 01:46 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
>>-A feature pavilion
I can’t guarantee this will get added in, but I’ve got it down on my list of things to consider doing up. If it was only some feature fields and not the entire range, are there any particular ones you’re most interested in seeing?
(And in the meantime, the IFW Fest has a shop with options for the unique field — it was refreshed for this year, so hopefully that will tide you over for the time-being!)
Speaking softly to you, Rovvigen says, “Please dont be a stranger.”
Speaking to Rovvigen, you exclaim, “I am never strange, Rovvigen!”
[MYCHAR: XxXxX is thinking to herself, “Please do not get any stranger…”]
Date: 06/23/2018 01:52 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
>>-A feature pavilion |
I can’t guarantee this will get added in, but I’ve got it down on my list of things to consider doing up. If it was only some feature fields and not the entire range, are there any particular ones you’re most interested in seeing? |
(And in the meantime, the IFW Fest has a shop with options for the unique field — it was refreshed for this year, so hopefully that will tide you over for the time-being!) |
~Kaikala |
Hair (quirks) and Eyes.
Date: 06/23/2018 02:05 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
>IFW Fest
OK, ;whatis IFW?
;tune towncrier
Rohese: “… the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)”
Xanith: “It’s flat out amazing”
Doug: “100.times ^”
TownCrier News Submission link:
Date: 06/23/2018 02:10 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
Eels. I’m really hoping this EG has eels.
Date: 06/23/2018 03:03 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
Maylan needs a nose job! :>)
~Land Pirate Maylan~
Date: 06/23/2018 03:08 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
>>-A feature pavilion
>>I can’t guarantee this will get added in, but I’ve got it down on my list of things to consider doing up. If it was only some feature fields and not the entire range, are there any particular ones you’re most interested in seeing?
As a player with many alts I have enjoyed the feature pavilion offerings at EG in years past as well as the premium food festival. I can’t remember if the spitfire had one also but if it it did I’m sure I grabbed at least one selection for one of my characters. Thank you for continuing to bring this out.
>>(And in the meantime, the IFW Fest has a shop with options for the unique field — it was refreshed for this year, so hopefully that will tide you over for the time-being!)
I’m not sure I realized this and am off to check it out.
Date: 06/23/2018 04:04 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
<OK, ;whatis IFW?>
Isle of Four Winds. She probably means the premium summer fest which this year is in September.
<I’m not sure I realized this and am off to check it out.>
Too early!
Date: 06/23/2018 04:06 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
I believe Kaikala is referring to Shear Delight, the shop/feature pavilion in Eastern Harbor. I actually wrote an article about it in the latest edition if Elanthian Vogue!
>>You slay me woman! ~ Wyrom'l
Date: 06/23/2018 04:50 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
>>I believe Kaikala is referring to Shear Delight, the shop/feature pavilion in Eastern Harbor.
Definitely not referring to Shear Delight, which is a perma shop and not associated with any festivals.
Speaking softly to you, Rovvigen says, “Please dont be a stranger.”
Speaking to Rovvigen, you exclaim, “I am never strange, Rovvigen!”
[MYCHAR: XxXxX is thinking to herself, “Please do not get any stranger…”]
Date: 06/23/2018 04:56 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
<OK, ;whatis IFW?
>>Isle of Four Winds.
This 😉
Speaking softly to you, Rovvigen says, “Please dont be a stranger.”
Speaking to Rovvigen, you exclaim, “I am never strange, Rovvigen!”
[MYCHAR: XxXxX is thinking to herself, “Please do not get any stranger…”]
Date: 06/23/2018 06:31 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
>>><OK, ;whatis IFW?
And DUH, that’s in ;whatis, too!
Moar caffeine for me!
;tune towncrier
Rohese: “… the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)”
Xanith: “It’s flat out amazing”
Doug: “100.times ^”
TownCrier News Submission link:
Date: 06/23/2018 07:38 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
My wishlist is simple, being only one.
To not have most/all of the cool/new things locked behind alt-currency grind paywalls.
>They actually did this last year!….for…10 days? Then suddenly announced “Oh no that was a mistake” and locked the neat new profession enhancive items behind the seashell grind. They were not very powerful items, but I thought they were cool. I was actually planning to pay for a week just hadn’t yet, but after that? Nah.
Avaia, player of
Date: 06/23/2018 11:39 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
Date: 06/24/2018 02:47 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
>>Definitely not referring to Shear Delight, which is a perma shop and not associated with any festivals
Sorry, missed the part where you said Fest; only trying to help :/
>>You slay me woman! ~ Wyrom'l
Date: 06/24/2018 09:25 AM CDT
From: EREK
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
Moar Spider Bag unlocks… ALL THE SPIDERS!
Moar GHOUL games, maybe with multiple 1st prizes along with the runner-ups. (The list last year was great, just… MOAR!)
Also I had an idea along the lines of shimmer trinkets. PRE-BUILT COSTUMES – you shop full costumes off the mannequins, pick the one you want, it shows up in a particular type of shimmer trinket (or similar illusory item) that displays the costume instead of your inventory while active. Extra points awarded if you code it to mix-n-match off the mannequins for ultimate costume customization!
Date: 06/24/2018 12:11 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
>>Sorry, missed the part where you said Fest; only trying to help :/
Is totally okay! I always forget that Shear Delight is available on the isle, so it’s good to have the reminder 🙂
Speaking softly to you, Rovvigen says, “Please dont be a stranger.”
Speaking to Rovvigen, you exclaim, “I am never strange, Rovvigen!”
[MYCHAR: XxXxX is thinking to herself, “Please do not get any stranger…”]
Date: 06/24/2018 02:01 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
ALL The Stationery Box expanders!
Self-delivered greeting cards you can send to your besties. Or your worsties.
Music Sheets you can actually write on
Unlocks for these new Duskruin weapons!
More love for unlocking/adding to the lapidary boxes.
SPINNERS in a shop for Officers of the Great Houses and Organizations, along with … well, other things, I’m sure.
Additional room add-ons for label holders
More spaces for games. The rooms were very crowded and scrolly
… and here’s my plea to please bring back the prize walls. I loved picking out my own prizes!
;tune towncrier
Rohese: “… the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)”
Xanith: “It’s flat out amazing”
Doug: “100.times ^”
TownCrier News Submission link:
Date: 06/25/2018 01:40 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
More lapidary love (unlocking, customization)
Label Holder customization and expansion
Script Swapping! Plz! (Non combat)
Date: 06/25/2018 03:04 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
I’m going to add the same thing to my wishlist I’ve had on there for a few years now:
A few years back at the Spitfire there was a shop called “Shaver me Timbers” that sold various shaving implements. I picked up (and altered) a set of everything, but ran into two problems:
– The “shave wearing off” part is bugged — if you die while shaven you get a permashave and have to assist to get it cleared.
– Shaving requires shaving soap, which is used up over time. As far as I can tell, the soap’s never been for sale since the Spitfire.
I guess it may be predicated on the bug getting fixed, but I’d love to see the shop make a return, or at least some bars of shaving soap available for sale somewhere.
Fyonn’s player
Date: 06/25/2018 04:54 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
Can some of the older games also come back? Catfish catching and the others that would also fit the theme, just so there is some more variety and space. It was nice last year, but after all the options before, it seemed real limited.
Also, there will be more awesome fishing, right!?
_ _ _
Myasara says, “Raining rocks down on my city was not the best course of action.”
– – –
Nishima put a group of five partially frozen corpses in the Nishima disk.
Several frozen limbs peek out of the disk in a macabre fashion.
Date: 06/25/2018 10:22 AM CDT
From: ALLENM20
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
I’d like to see a blink weapon raffle and tier 2 and 3 briar flare raffles.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, “Adventure” in my ear.
Date: 06/25/2018 11:55 AM CDT
From: OM1E5GA
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
<- Shaving requires shaving soap, which is used up over time. As far as I can tell, the soap’s never been for sale since the Spitfire.>
Have you tried getting it permafied?
I dunno if the permafier works with it or not, but worth a shot….
Starchitin, the OG
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Date: 06/25/2018 12:08 PM CDT
From: EREK
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
Here are some small to medium scripted item ideas, either from my past of stuff we just never got made, or something that might be rolling around my head right now. I present them here for GMs to use as they wish, or maybe to spark a fresh new idea.
– Skeletal/ghostly versions of animal companions an/or mage familiars. Have this either as a “during the event” thing, or maybe have it as an optional cast if we’re holding a particular item in hand. Would also need to consider the ambient messaging for the companions (that’s a bit taller of an order I realize).
– “Buy a haunting!” – throwable item that if hits, the target is “haunted” by some sort of ghost, ghast, pixie, whatever. It follows the target around for a few minutes, taunting them with insults and such. (Lyredaen and I ran around with two NPCs who actually did this at the first and second EGs… I’d love to see this come back more broadly. Look on the player script for a character named “Eldred” on my old Banthis account. It had the creation of the ghast and associated scripts.)
– Trick or treat candy that does fun and interesting effects (rarity based on type). Any thing from bubblegum that floats you over to the next room, to pop rocks that cast gas cloud… I’ll let your imagination arrive at from where the cloud emits. Or for the less scripting/coding inclined, just do some Halloween candy that is a consumable single use magic item.
– “Nerf” (make up a new name) weapons that let us do non-leathal duels for fun. (Can just randomize the hits via messaging, vs. trying to use the whole combat system for this.) Bonus points for Retser if he generates an intricate Tiering system and calls them “Nerfstaves”.
– “The Digatron”: Purchase a digging automaton that will do 10 or so digs for you (appropriate roundtimes, etc. apply) as you sit in a lawn chair and sip adult beverages.
– “I once caught a fish THIIIIS BIIIIG”: build a leaderboard showing the top largest/most rare fish. Have it reset occasionally, or allow people to view daily results historically.
Enjoy.. maybe more later if I can think of/remember more. 🙂
Date: 06/25/2018 12:32 PM CDT
From: AGONY42
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
Extraplanar bane without item/creature restrictions!
A girl can dream.
Liia: Blame Issalya
Omrii: Wait, we have official staff approval on blaming Issalya? Excellent.
Kormis: She seems to be to blame for everything around here!
Date: 06/25/2018 01:01 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
>- The “shave wearing off” part is bugged — if you die while shaven you get a permashave and have to assist to get it cleared.
This should be fixed up currently. I can’t encourage “testing” though…
Date: 06/25/2018 01:45 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
>Extraplanar bane without item/creature restrictions!
Also really liked the add an enhancive service last year
Item property removal
Demon rune teaching
script swapping
+1 on fishing scoreboard
Date: 06/25/2018 02:24 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
;tune towncrier
Rohese: “… the TownCrier (tune in if you haven’t, it’s without doubt the best thing to ever happen on LNet)”
Xanith: “It’s flat out amazing”
Doug: “100.times ^”
TownCrier News Submission link:
Date: 06/25/2018 02:32 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
1) Granted this is usually done anyway, but… magic item recharging!
2) A service to embed spells in an item YOU provide. (IE – an opportunity to get some of the stuff that can’t be embedded by our fellow players due to being in the wrong circles, even if it is limited to the ‘legal for off the shelf’ list. (And while I am a HUGE fan and regular customer of Binklar’s service to embed things in his carvings, this is really just a totally self-serving request since I have this one wand I want embedded…))
Raelee and her Strings
>Speaking to Zyllah, Alyias says, “See? Raelee knows all.”
Date: 06/25/2018 02:41 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
There was a custom scroll merchant somewhere at some point. I’d love the opportunity to get more consecrate scrolls for blessing weapons, so a make-your-own scroll type merchant, or a shop with 1604 scrolls…or an x/day 1604 item!
Date: 06/25/2018 10:50 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
Wishlist item for next EG: Don’t put a large portion of the prize diversity behind one activity that was marketed as “a side thing we don’t really expect you guys to do much” that isn’t even behind the games pass. If fishing is going to be a major pillar of the prize distribution, it should be advertised as a primary event.
Date: 06/27/2018 07:15 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Ebon Gate Wishlist and Ideas
GHOUL and Dragon Bones are the only thing I really am requesting… oh….
and most importantly: Xayle to admit her undying love to kobolds 🙂
– Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!