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Take Note – and BUNDLE It!

GM Haliste announces Lightening and Deepening Notes: Now With More BUNDLING! Stack them up by BUNDLE:

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rings of Lumnis

Date: 04/26/2018 10:26 PM CDT
Subj: Take note…
The Light/Deep notes are now able to be BUNDLED together, and will stack up to 100 of like-notes. When you have a stack of notes, you can either 1) REDEEM as long as you have a valid item in your left hand, or you can PULL the stack to remove one note.

If you notice any issues with this, let me know. Enjoy.

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

Date: 04/27/2018 02:00 AM CDT
From: SQK
Subj: Re: Take note…
>> The Light/Deep notes are now able to be BUNDLED together

Thank you!

Date: 04/27/2018 07:29 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Take note…
Best update ever! Thanks for this update.

For anyone that is having trouble bundling the pink notes because of the different types and if you use Lich. Here is a line to use with ;foreach (you will need to download it if you don’t have it) for you lich users that will make life a lot easier for bundling.

grab one of the notes that you want to bundle. Then adjust to the right note type and container in the line below:

;foreach name=bright pink note in cloak;get item;bundle;


Date: 04/27/2018 08:20 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Take note…
Is there a confirmation if we unintentionally try to redeem the entire bundle? I would like something like the salve system for confirming to use it if so

Date: 04/27/2018 09:01 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Take note…
>Is there a confirmation if we unintentionally try to redeem the entire bundle? I would like something like the salve system for confirming to use it if so

I had the same question:

They are redeemed one at a time. So you don’t use the entire bundle at once.


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