Take Note – and BUNDLE It!
GM Haliste announces Lightening and Deepening Notes: Now With More BUNDLING! Stack them up by BUNDLE:
Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Rings of LumnisDate: 04/26/2018 10:26 PM CDTFrom: GS4-HALISTESubj: Take note…The Light/Deep notes are now able to be BUNDLED together, and will stack up to 100 of like-notes. When you have a stack of notes, you can either 1) REDEEM as long as you have a valid item in your left hand, or you can PULL the stack to remove one note.If you notice any issues with this, let me know. Enjoy.
~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever
Thank you!
For anyone that is having trouble bundling the pink notes because of the different types and if you use Lich. Here is a line to use with ;foreach (you will need to download it if you don’t have it) for you lich users that will make life a lot easier for bundling.
grab one of the notes that you want to bundle. Then adjust to the right note type and container in the line below:
;foreach name=bright pink note in cloak;get item;bundle;