Passing of Garredd Fosterwood
Posted10 January 2017
Last Updated On20 September 2018
Lady Faeryfire brings us the heavy news of the passing of Great Lord Garredd Fosterwood, human bard extraordinaire. He passed beyond the veil January 8, 2017.
Category: Socializing
Topic: Farewells and Returns
Date: 01/09/2017 11:22 AM CST
Subj: Garredd Fosterwood has passed the veil
With a heavy heart, I report the passing of Great Lord Garredd Fosterwood, human bard extradoinaire. He passed beyond January 8, 2017, at 5:14 MST from complications of a heart attack.
Puppeteer of Lady Faeryfire
Date: 01/09/2017 12:33 PM CST
Subj: Re: Garredd Fosterwood has passed the veil
Sorry to hear. May he rest well.
Date: 01/09/2017 04:03 PM CST
From: VUWH60A
Subj: Re: Garredd Fosterwood has passed the veil
Sad news indeed, condolences to friends and family.
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Warm thoughts to you.
From “Lord Garredd – A Roaming Bard”…
“I am now as far from the sea as I have ever been but still she calls to me. I hear her waves as I drift off to sleep at night and some bright mornings far inland I can swear I smell a tang of salt on the air. Where will our roaming take us next? To feel the spray of the sea again or the cold winds of the North upon our faces? Or to new, as yet undiscovered lands?”
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