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Ithzir Champions Released

Ithzir Champions released in Old Ta’Faendryl North. Weaker Ithzirs will stay out of the north portions (mostly). See GM IXIX’s post:

Category: GemStone IV Announcements
Topic: Important Announcements

Date: 02/21/2017 09:51 AM CST
From: GS4-IXIX
Subj: Ta'Faendryl North
Hi everybody,

Ithzir champions have been released in Prime and Shattered. Plat will have them soon (in an effort to not goof up the story). They will spawn in the Ta’Faendryl North section, which can be seen here:

They might pop up from time to time in other areas of the city though, so be careful! In addition, the weaker varieties of Ithzir won’t spawn in the North (but could end up in there occasionally). Adventurer’s Guild bounties are not available for Ithzir champions right now, but they will be soon.

I’d like to acknowledge the Dev team for all of their help in designing and QCing the champions, and to give a big thank you to GameMasters Mazreth, Valyrka, Kynlee, Zoelle and everybody else for giving them a fitting introduction to their new home!


This message was originally posted in Hunting and Combat, Old Ta’Faendryl Hunting Areas. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


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