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Great Auction Teaser #24 Slim Silver Disk of Twilight

GM Keios shares Great Auction teaser #24 with a slim silver disk of expressive twilight…with examples:

Category: World Events, Festivals, and Storylines
Topic: The Great Auction of 5116

Date: 12/04/2016 10:58 AM CST
Subj: A slim silver disk
You glance down to see a slim silver disk in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

>turn disk
Letting the silver disk dangle from your fingertips, you twist it and shadows upon its surface rotate, sending it flashing like a tiny moon cycling through its various waxing and waning cycles.

>glance casual
You casually glance around the area.

>look stars
It is too bright out to see the stars.

>wear disk
As you hang the silver disk around your neck, a gentle darkness floats out like a mantle from your shoulders, the disk twinkling where the folds of supple night meet like a clasp.

>tap disk
You gently rest a finger against the silver disk suspended around your neck and a sense of quiet fills your mind, stilling your thoughts. You close your eyes briefly in contemplation, and as you open them again, your surroundings are suffused with shadowed twilight.

>look stars
You gaze up into the sky and see a broad field of lights…
Eight dimly glowing stars form the two scalloped wings of a bat soaring into the darkness as it fades away.

>pull disk
You drag your hand gently over the gauzy folds of the mantle shrouding your shoulders, watching wisps of darkness trail about your fingertips.

You adopt an agreeable expression.

>turn disk
You pivot sharply on your heel, sending the gauzy folds of night billowing around you like a storm-driven tempest.

>stride west
You stride away, moving west.

switching viewpoints
[Town Square, Garden Niche]
This small niche between two buildings has been neatly landscaped into a tiny garden, its careful mosaic of flagstones interspersed with patches of trimmed grass. A low stone bench rests along one vine-covered wall, and a patch of colorful violets surrounds a painted wooden barrel in one corner.
Obvious paths: east

>look lornon
You gaze up into the heavens scanning for the moon Lornon…
The fierce light of the sun drowns out any hope of seeing Lornon.

Keios just strode in.
Night follows in Keios’s wake, suffusing the surroundings in dusky twilight.

>look lornon
You gaze up into the heavens scanning for the moon Lornon…
Lornon continues her descent to the west as a thin sliver in the sky. Whorls of darker hue shift slowly across the icy disc, their rhythmic swirling nearly blending in completely with the blackness of the sky.


Keios is pretty amazing. ~Wyrom

Date: 12/04/2016 11:24 AM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
This is pretty awesome.

– Overlord EK

>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.

Date: 12/04/2016 11:42 AM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
Ohhhhhh my.

Date: 12/04/2016 11:44 AM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
But… a disk? That you turn? <flail>

So when you’re trying to empty out your (floating, Wizard-cast) disk, by turning it… whattaya get?

Date: 12/04/2016 11:45 AM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk

And a guy could buy it for his honey, and then spend all day reciting, “She walks in darkness light the night…”

Date: 12/04/2016 11:47 AM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
>>So when you’re trying to empty out your (floating, Wizard-cast) disk, by turning it… whattaya get?

TURN DISK will target disks in the room before disks on your person.


Keios is pretty amazing. ~Wyrom

Date: 12/14/2016 12:00 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
One more teaser! For all you night owls awake during the day.

>rem disk
You place a hand against the silver disk around your neck, and the darkness shrouding you recedes like a wind-driven fog, coalescing back into the disk.

>glance disk
You glance at the silver disk in your hand.

>l stars
It is too bright out to see the stars.

>raise disk
You raise your silver disk into the air, and the area seems to grow still.

An uneasy hush falls upon the world.

You strike a heroic pose.

With a sickening ripple, the heavenly shape of Liabo flickers and then vanishes above you!

The rippling in the sky churns and boils and seemingly out of nowhere, Liabo reappears high in the sky, within kissing distance of the sun.

The looming shape of Liabo slides before the face of the sun, plunging the world into darkness!

You let out a cheer!

>l stars
You gaze up into the sky and see a broad field of lights…
Four glimmering white beacons of light form the pattern of a shield directly overhead, each bright star marking one corner of the protective rectangle.

A fiercely bright corona is all that is visible of the sun, blotted out by the looming shape of Liabo.

>sigh happily
You sigh happily.

>l liabo
You gaze up into the heavens scanning for the moon Liabo…
Liabo floats high in the sky, a fierce corona of light surrounding her as she blots out the sun.

You adopt an agreeable expression.


Keios is pretty amazing. ~Wyrom

Date: 12/14/2016 01:41 PM CST
From: SVEN2010
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
Holy…did that just CHANGE THE SKY?

Date: 12/14/2016 01:55 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
>>Holy…did that just CHANGE THE SKY?

Yes. Yes it did. By making all of Elanthia night for the duration of the solar eclipse.


Keios is pretty amazing. ~Wyrom

Date: 12/14/2016 02:06 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
I like the whole, “Move The Moon” thing that was involved.


THIS is the level of power I’m talking about putting into the hands of an adventurer.




Well done, Keios. Well done.

Date: 12/14/2016 02:06 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
It did! Blood sacrifices sold separately.

Date: 12/14/2016 02:08 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
No, no blood. I distinctly said, “Well done.”

“Blood” would be, like, rare.

Date: 12/14/2016 02:18 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk

Would it would affect things that can only be done at night, such as (a) foraging some plants, (b) refracting moonlight or sunlight for alchemy, and (c) hunting critters that only come out at night (the liches in OTF)?

Date: 12/14/2016 02:37 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
>>Would it would affect things that can only be done at night, such as (a) foraging some plants, (b) refracting moonlight or sunlight for alchemy, and (c) hunting critters that only come out at night (the liches in OTF)?

Yes. The eclipse version affects all of those, world-wide.

The one in my first teaser, the little night that follows you around, affects all that you listed except for (c) critters for everybody in the room with you.


Keios is pretty amazing. ~Wyrom

Date: 12/14/2016 03:21 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk

<<Yes. The eclipse version affects all of those, world-wide.>>

So, out of curiosity, what happens if someone uses this disk that eclipses while, say, an alchemist is trying to refract sunlight in a recipe, or a forager is trying to get a daytime herb?

How long does this last? That’s a bit…concerning. Limited number of uses per day?

Date: 12/14/2016 03:57 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
>>So, out of curiosity, what happens if someone uses this disk that eclipses while, say, an alchemist is trying to refract sunlight in a recipe, or a forager is trying to get a daytime herb?

They should immediately switch to formulas that require night refraction! I should release some now that require both day AND night refractions, just to keep you all on your toes! And hey, the number of night only herbs are 2 more than daytime only herbs, so maybe grab those while they’re out!

But, more seriously, the duration is long enough to get a few decent short hunts in, or maybe one longer marathon hunt. Refresh rate is listed in the days, not per day. The eclipse doesn’t trigger immediately, there are world-wide messages about the imminent disaster and doom about to happen to warn people to finish up their alchemy or at the very least, not attempt a new one.


Keios is pretty amazing. ~Wyrom

Date: 12/14/2016 04:09 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
>The eclipse doesn’t trigger immediately, there are world-wide messages about the imminent disaster and doom about to happen

Haha, this is amazing.

Date: 12/14/2016 04:30 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
They didn’t believe me when I said NightHaven would return one day..

Looks who’s laughing now! (Spoilers: It’s me.)

– Overlord EK

>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.

Date: 12/15/2016 02:14 AM CST
From: ALLENM20
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
Can this be worn with the magical wings that fuse to your back?

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, “Adventure” in my ear.

AIM: Kaight (Matt) GS4

Date: 12/15/2016 06:25 AM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
>> Can this be worn with the magical wings that fuse to your back?



Keios is pretty amazing. ~Wyrom

Date: 12/16/2016 09:04 AM CST
From: DAID
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
By the way, this might be the coolest item teased so far.


The eclipse version affects all of those, world-wide.


Date: 12/16/2016 08:02 PM CST
From: DAID
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
As for teasers, my wife (SARAH3) and I both have interest in this and another item which is suitable for a character on each of our accounts.

Can we spoil if this will be bound to the winner in any way?

Date: 12/18/2016 04:55 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
The eclipse was very cool to see today! This seems a bit buggy though, considering the item seems to have been activated shortly before the actual sunset, such that the end messaging of the eclipse ending didn’t make sense:

>An uneasy hush falls upon the world.
>A faint distortion begins to appear in the sky above you.
>The rippling in the sky churns and boils and seemingly out of nowhere, Lornon appears high in the sky, poised as if to strike at the sun.
>The looming shape of Lornon slides before the face of the sun, plunging the world into darkness!

[insert many rest messages later]

>A passing cloud plunges the darkness shrouding the land into an almost impenetrable blackness.

[some more rest messages]

>The unnatural darkness blankets the land with an almost oppressive feel.

[some more rest messages]

>Flickering shadows cast by the fierce corona of the sun waver against the ground.
>The setting sun paints the sky with tones of coral pink.

[some more rest messages]

>A passing cloud plunges the darkness shrouding the land into an almost impenetrable blackness.

[some more rest messages]

>The unnatural darkness blankets the land with an almost oppressive feel.

[some more rest messages]

>With one final blaze of light, the darkness abruptly dissipates, and the light of day returns.

Date: 12/18/2016 06:50 PM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
>The eclipse was very cool to see today! This seems a bit buggy though, considering the item seems to have been activated shortly before the actual sunset, such that the end messaging of the eclipse ending didn’t make sense: […]–LADYFLEUR

Glad you liked seeing it! 🙂 First time trying it out. I wasn’t 100% sure when sunset was going to happen, but having it close to 4:30pm eastern took me by surprise. (I activated the disk at about 4pm with the hope that it’d be able to end prior to sunset. Instead, extra long night! Woohoo!)

I noticed this when it happened, too, and emailed GM Keios about it. (There was another bug when the eclipse concluded, but that was specific to the room I was in.) Until I get a chance to play around with it more over the next few weeks, I expect there might be another bug or two that may crop up as well. So far, Keios has been amazingly fast at fixing other oddities.

– Overlord EK

>You now regard Eorgina with a warm demeanor.

Date: 12/19/2016 08:07 AM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
I bugged it, but I figured I would post here as well.

I noticed the messaging for the moons changing in The Rift, which seems impossible considering the nature of The Rift.

Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding. – Albert Einstein

Date: 12/20/2016 03:02 AM CST
Subj: Re: A slim silver disk
Super jelly on this one — possibly my favorite item of the auction (it’s so hard to chose!!), but it seems like it found a good home!

— Wheels & Skulls Department

“Bring me your suffering. The rattle roar of broken bones. Bring me the riot in your heart… Angry, wild, and raw. I am not afraid of the dark.” — mia hollow
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