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GM Zissu Announces WPS Service Window Change

GM Zissu announces a change to the Weighting/Padding/Sighting service window. It’s now a static two month period rather than a sliding item by item window. This makes the windows: Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/June, July/Aug, Sept/Oct, and Nov/Dec. Posted at the officials:

Category: Hunting and Combat
Topic: Weighting and Padding

Date: 02/15/2018 12:34 AM CST
Subj: W/P/S Service Window Updates
Hi All,

The W/P/S Service Window has now been updated to be a static two month period rather than a sliding item by item window. Service counts will reset on the first service for that item within each two month window regardless of the timing of any previous services.

For clarity, windows are:
Jan/Feb, March/April, May/June, July/August, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec

Zissu – Combat and Magic Systems Dev Lackey

Date: 02/15/2018 01:42 AM CST
Subj: Re: W/P/S Service Window Updates
Like it!

Date: 02/15/2018 04:15 AM CST
Subj: Re: W/P/S Service Window Updates
Good change.

Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
And the stream that falls from the hill to plain.
Better than rain or rippling brook,
Is a mug of beer inside this Took.

Date: 02/15/2018 07:58 AM CST
Subj: Re: W/P/S Service Window Updates
This is a great change, Zissu. Definitely clears up confusion on timing. Thanks a bunch!

Date: 02/15/2018 08:49 AM CST
Subj: Re: W/P/S Service Window Updates
I think the other way made more sense from a “control this (particular) item’s progress” viewpoint.

This one involves a LOT less thinking (on the part of the player) and bookkeeping (on the part of the game system).


Overall, probably a net gain, when you factor out the frustration from players at merchants.

Date: 06/29/2018 12:58 PM CDT
Subj: W/P/S Service
Silly question, perhaps, but…

Can shields be weighted, either with damage or crit, and have them come into effect? (Like with CMans and such.)

Already got flares and spikes and whatnot….

Date: 06/29/2018 02:45 PM CDT
Subj: Re: W/P/S Service
It does nothing, weapons only.

No padding either.

<A dwarven blacksmith assistant grumbles, “Padding on a shield does nothing.”>


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