GM Viduus Shares Paladin Sneak Peek from SimuCon
Posted19 August 2018
Last Updated On20 September 2018
GM Viduus shows us a teaser of paladins gaining a new ability to put charges of spells like Divine Fury or Bind into their weapons as they swing! Read up here:
Category: Paladins
Topic: Paladin Spells
Date: 08/17/2018 10:09 AM CDT
Subj: Simucon sneak peaks
For those that missed it.
>beseech maul ignite
You beseech your bonded maul, causing violet flames to spring to life around it!
Your bonded maul is engulfed in flames as it bursts to life with renewed energy!
Your bonded maul is engulfed in flames as it bursts to life with renewed energy!
>beseech maul exting
You focus on your bonded maul, extinguishing the flames.
Date: 08/18/2018 03:03 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
Hrm, not interesting enough?
>beseech maul sense
You sense the bonded maul has been infused with Divine Fury and has 5 charges remaining.
G>beseech maul ignite
You beseech your bonded maul, causing violet flames to spring to life around it!
As you attempt to strike with your bonded maul, it sends a surge of power through you that quickly leaps out at the radical!
Particles of dust and soot rise from the ground at your feet as you release a pulsating, platinum ripple of energy toward a triton radical!
CS: +472 – TD: +356 + CvA: +25 + d100: +67 == +208
Warding failed!
The triton radical is cloaked in a blinding platinum light and assailed for 86 points of damage!
… 45 points of damage!
Muscle and bone blasted to pieces by searing wave of energy!
A triton radical falls to the ground grasping its mangled left leg!
… 45 points of damage!
Hard slash to the triton radical’s side opens its spleen!
… 35 points of damage!
Gruesome slash to the triton radical’s throat!
That stings… for about a second.
The triton radical gurgles once and goes still, a wrathful look on its face.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A triton radical’s slick skin begins to rapidly desiccate and dissolve away, leaving nothing behind.
As you attempt to strike with your bonded maul, it sends a surge of power through you that quickly leaps out at the radical!
Particles of dust and soot rise from the ground at your feet as you release a pulsating, platinum ripple of energy toward a triton radical!
CS: +472 – TD: +356 + CvA: +25 + d100: +48 == +189
Warding failed!
The triton radical is cloaked in a blinding platinum light and assailed for 107 points of damage!
… 35 points of damage!
Awesome lash of plasma severs the triton radical’s arm completely!
… 15 points of damage!
Hard slash to belly severs a few nerve endings.
… 30 points of damage!
Deep slash to the triton radical’s neck severs an artery!
The triton radical chokes to death on its own blood.
The triton radical collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on its face before expiring.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
As you attempt to strike with your bonded maul, it sends a surge of power through you that quickly leaps out at the radical!
Particles of dust and soot rise from the ground at your feet as you release a pulsating, platinum ripple of energy toward a triton radical!
CS: +472 – TD: +356 + CvA: +25 + d100: +6 == +147
Warding failed!
The triton radical is cloaked in a blinding platinum light and assailed for 61 points of damage!
… 25 points of damage!
Skin roasted away from back exposing the triton radical’s spinal column!
… 25 points of damage!
Deep slash to the triton radical’s right forearm!
… 30 points of damage!
Deep slash to the triton radical’s neck severs an artery!
The triton radical chokes to death on its own blood.
The triton radical collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on its face before expiring.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A triton radical steeples its clawed fingers together, murmuring a quick incantation.
As you attempt to strike with your bonded maul, it sends a surge of power through you that quickly leaps out at the radical!
Particles of dust and soot rise from the ground at your feet as you release a pulsating, platinum ripple of energy toward a triton radical!
CS: +472 – TD: +356 + CvA: +25 + d100: +60 == +201
Warding failed!
The triton radical is cloaked in a blinding platinum light and assailed for 149 points of damage!
… 75 points of damage!
Internal organs boil and explode in a bloody spray!
The triton radical collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on its face before expiring.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Your bonded maul is engulfed in flames as it bursts to life with renewed energy!
As you attempt to strike with your bonded maul, it sends a surge of power through you that quickly leaps out at the radical!
Particles of dust and soot rise from the ground at your feet as you release a pulsating, platinum ripple of energy toward a triton radical!
CS: +472 – TD: +356 + CvA: +25 + d100: +90 == +231
Warding failed!
The triton radical is cloaked in a blinding platinum light and assailed for 177 points of damage!
… 50 points of damage!
The triton radical’s eye bubbles and bursts along with most of the head!
The triton radical collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on its face before expiring.
A wisp of smoke rises up from your bonded maul as the violet flames surrounding it are extinguished.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
A triton radical’s slick skin begins to rapidly desiccate and dissolve away, leaving nothing behind.
A triton radical’s slick skin begins to rapidly desiccate and dissolve away, leaving nothing behind.
Date: 08/18/2018 06:18 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
I am both intrigued and excited but also really hoping this doesn’t replace 1640-Divine Word. 🙂
It appears to take its name from the cleric spell (317) Divine Fury but behave differently. Trying to imagine where it will fall into the current (full) Paladin spell list (or if it is a new variant of 1650 or maybe an improvement on 1650-Zeal).
The highest level spell that I pretty much don’t use today (due to its short duration) is 1618-Crusade which seems like a good candidate for this as a replacement. Or potentially you could combine 1617-Zealot and 1619-Faith Shield into one spell (with a weapon and shield version of the new spell) opening up the other spot for this and addressing a long standing complaint by Paladins around having a spell (either one) which isn’t used / doesn’t really apply to their build (I always use 1619 and never use 1617 for example, some paladin players do just the opposite).
At any rate… I’m excited about the potential opportunity for a BESEECH WEAPON that I would use regularly and looking forward to the details behind the teaser!
Hrm… I suppose it could be a straight up revision on 1625 as well now that I’ve said that! :p
The possibilities!
— Robert
Due to the volatile atmosphere, random bolts of lightning can intermittently be seen streaking through the skyline.
Date: 08/18/2018 06:33 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
Interested, but not sure what I’m seeing.
Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
And the stream that falls from the hill to plain.
Better than rain or rippling brook,
Is a mug of beer inside this Took.
Date: 08/18/2018 06:42 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
>It appears to take its name from the cleric spell (317) Divine Fury but behave differently.
No, by all appearances it behaves the same, except seemingly triggered by ATTACK instead of casting, and it appears to use the spell instead of attacking. I assume it’s a revision of 1625.
R>inc 317
Pure white and bold red mana wisps dance around you like wind-borne leaves as you hum a cheerful tune and sing a sylvan phrase, preparing your spell.
Your spell is ready.
You channel at a giantman mugger.
Particles of dust and soot rise from the ground at your feet as you release a pulsating, platinum ripple of energy toward a giantman mugger!
CS: +511 – TD: +394 + CvA: -2 + d100: +64 == +179
Warding failed!
The giantman mugger is cloaked in a blinding platinum light and assailed for 123 points of damage!
… 40 points of damage!
The giantman mugger’s arm shatters and explodes from a tremendous surge of plasma!
The mugger’s reinforced shield falls to the ground.
The giantman mugger is stunned!
… 25 points of damage!
Pressure on the giantman mugger’s organs causes internal bleeding.
… 10 points of damage!
The giantman mugger’s finger twitches, then explodes.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
I’m going to withhold full judgment until I know more details, but right now I’m feeling excited for my paladin and very worried for my cleric.
Date: 08/18/2018 06:52 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
So, I didn’t realize 317 killed all of the radicals in the previous clip before a swing resolved.
G>invoke 214
As you begin your invocation the ink leaps from the page and seeps into your skin.
You suddenly feel enlightened as Bind takes hold in your mind.
As your voice fades, so too does the ink on the paper, leaving a blank space where the Bind spell had previously been written.
G>drop paper
You drop a sheaf of neatly inked paper.
G>prep 214
You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Bind spell…
Your spell is ready.
G>infuse maul
You concentrate on infusing the maul and successfully manage to transfer the power of your Bind spell into it. The maul pulses 8 times in response.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
G>beseech maul sense
You sense the bonded maul has been infused with Bind and has 8 charges remaining.
As you attempt to strike with your bonded maul, it sends a surge of power through you that quickly leaps out at the radical!
CS: +472 – TD: +353 + CvA: +25 + d100: +12 == +156
Warding failed!
A triton radical suddenly stops all movement.
You swing a bonded maul at a triton radical!
The lesser spirits binding the radical increase your advantage!
AS: +503 vs DS: +267 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +92 = +366
… and hit for 128 points of damage!
Neck broken.
The triton radical twitches several times before dying.
The triton radical collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on its face before expiring.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
As you attempt to strike with your bonded maul, it sends a surge of power through you that quickly leaps out at the radical!
CS: +472 – TD: +353 + CvA: +25 + d100: +46 == +190
Warding failed!
A triton radical suddenly stops all movement.
You swing a bonded maul at a triton radical!
The lesser spirits binding the radical increase your advantage!
AS: +503 vs DS: +267 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +62 = +336
… and hit for 120 points of damage!
Hard hit shatters weapon arm.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
The radical stares out balefully as it struggles with its immobility.
As you attempt to strike with your bonded maul, it sends a surge of power through you that quickly leaps out at the radical!
CS: +472 – TD: +353 + CvA: +25 + d100: +24 == +168
Warding failed!
A triton radical suddenly stops all movement.
You swing a bonded maul at a triton radical!
AS: +503 vs DS: +120 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +1 = +422
… and hit for 187 points of damage!
Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray.
The triton radical collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on its face before expiring.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
A triton radical steeples its clawed fingers together, murmuring a quick incantation.
As you attempt to strike with your bonded maul, it sends a surge of power through you that quickly leaps out at the radical!
CS: +472 – TD: +353 + CvA: +25 + d100: +63 == +207
Warding failed!
A triton radical suddenly stops all movement.
You swing a bonded maul at a triton radical!
The lesser spirits binding the radical increase your advantage!
AS: +503 vs DS: +267 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +78 = +352
… and hit for 137 points of damage!
Mighty swing separates head from shoulders.
The triton radical collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on its face before expiring.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
A triton radical steeples its clawed fingers together, murmuring a quick incantation.
Your bonded maul is engulfed in flames as it bursts to life with renewed energy!
A triton radical’s slick skin begins to rapidly desiccate and dissolve away, leaving nothing behind.
A triton radical raises an outstretched hand to the air!
A triton radical suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
A triton radical is surrounded by a white light.
Date: 08/18/2018 07:03 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
NOW I am excited! 🙂
— Robert
Due to the volatile atmosphere, random bolts of lightning can intermittently be seen streaking through the skyline.
Date: 08/18/2018 07:15 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
Interested, but not sure what I’m seeing.
Date: 08/19/2018 05:13 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
Ok so, where’s the rogue sneak peaks? Hmmmm!
Date: 08/20/2018 12:00 AM CDT
From: GOAT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
Looks like you’re getting blink, but with the spell coming first. And it triggers all the time. But I bet you’ve got to spend the mana charging it in advance, or some such. Which would still be an amazing power boost IMO.
Date: 08/20/2018 12:18 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
>Looks like you’re getting blink, but with the spell coming first. And it triggers all the time.
And with spells you don’t know being an option, though I’m guessing they had to be invoked from self-knowledge scrolls. Which is a very interesting use of those.
Date: 08/20/2018 12:49 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
Looks like you’re getting blink, but with the spell coming first. And it triggers all the time. But I bet you’ve got to spend the mana charging it in advance, or some such. Which would still be an amazing power boost IMO.
This update to 1625, along with some other paladin changes, are working their way through the QC process.
For clarification, don’t get too excited about the changes to the spell infusion aspect of 1625 when comparing it to blink weapons. It’s not blink functionality and most of what you’re seeing was already possible before this change. You could BESEECH WEAPON before every swing to achieve a spell cast before each attack, and you could always infuse multiple charges of spells using SK scrolls.
What is changing with the update are three main things, and one other thing that’ll be in the official release notes.
First, there will be an IGNITE mode. While this mode is going the infused spell will fire once every attack (currently achievable through beseeching before every attack) so it’s more of a quality of life update with additional messaging.
Second, you will be able to sense how many charges of a spell is currently in the weapon using BESEECH WEAPON SENSE. Again, mostly a quality of life update.
Third, and this is the big one and potential game changer for this ability. You will be able to lean on your deity for bridging the skill gap to benefit from the generic scroll CS system. With 1x scroll and lore training you’ll be able to generate enough CS with warding spells infused into your weapon to actually hit things with non-paladin spells.
There are a few other paladin items that’ll come out at the same time, but this is probably the one that has me the most excited.
Date: 08/20/2018 08:39 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
Since the Blink weapons always struck me as what Sanctification
should have been… this looks good.
Just means I need to crank in a few more levels on my Paladin, though, so he gets to play with ’em. 🙂
The effect of the new SK scroll system is a natural outgrowth of that improvement. Glad to see that it’ll be possible to actually be good enough for use.
Was it ‘beseech’, though? (Like I say, mine is still too young to test it for documentation, but…)
Estild’s comments from 2014 ‘Con say: “Instead, the Paladin can RAISE their weapon which will force it to automatically flare on their next attack.” — GS4-ESTILD, Re: Paladin Spell Circle Review on 08/08/2014 03:33 PM EDT #330
Date: 08/20/2018 09:46 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
Was it ‘beseech’, though? (Like I say, mine is still too young to test it for documentation, but…) |
Estild’s comments from 2014 ‘Con say: “Instead, the Paladin can RAISE their weapon which will force it to automatically flare on their next attack.” — GS4-ESTILD, Re: Paladin Spell Circle Review on 08/08/2014 03:33 PM EDT #330 |
The final version got changed to use BESEECH since it was newer verb and therefor conflicted less with existing weapon scripts.
GameMaster Estild
Date: 08/20/2018 09:54 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
And if I’d played my Paladin enough to get there, I’m sure I’d have known that. Thanks for the clarification!
Date: 08/20/2018 02:15 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
Other items you say?
Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
And the stream that falls from the hill to plain.
Better than rain or rippling brook,
Is a mug of beer inside this Took.
Date: 08/20/2018 08:26 PM CDT
From: ALLENM20
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
@Viduus Will the 1x scroll training and lore training in regards to CS overrule a paladins natural minor spiritual CS to make spells like unbalance and web actually useable if infused? I have 20 ranks of minor spiritual and 50 ranks of paladin base at level 100 so my minor spirit spells aren’t really able to hit anything. If I infuse the spell (Not from a scroll), but have the arcane symbol training and lore training to allow a higher CS from a scroll infusion will it still work? I’m doing a bad job of asking the question, but hopefully you understand my meaning.
Secondly, if I were to infuse 702 from a scroll, would I have to infuse 702 ten separate times if my max allowed is ten infusions or will I now be able to infuse 702 one time and receive the maximum number of infusions? This would be another quality of like thing as its really cumbersome to have to infuse spells over and over each hunt.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, “Adventure” in my ear.
Date: 08/21/2018 02:34 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
Words fail me… but I’m looking forward to playing / toying with the changes!
– Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Date: 08/21/2018 09:46 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
>>@Viduus Will the 1x scroll training and lore training in regards to CS overrule a paladins natural minor spiritual CS to make spells like unbalance and web actually useable if infused? I have 20 ranks of minor spiritual and 50 ranks of paladin base at level 100 so my minor spirit spells aren’t really able to hit anything. If I infuse the spell (Not from a scroll), but have the arcane symbol training and lore training to allow a higher CS from a scroll infusion will it still work? I’m doing a bad job of asking the question, but hopefully you understand my meaning.
This won’t increase your natural CS for known spells when infused in a weapon – unless they’re from a scroll. It’s not intended to bypass the limitations already in place for native casts.
>>Secondly, if I were to infuse 702 from a scroll, would I have to infuse 702 ten separate times if my max allowed is ten infusions or will I now be able to infuse 702 one time and receive the maximum number of infusions? This would be another quality of like thing as its really cumbersome to have to infuse spells over and over each hunt.
In this regard, SK scrolls are superior for paladins than traditional scrolls. With traditional scrolls you will have to stack charges with individual charge infusions. This is actually more of a design choice than a quality of life issue. SK scrolls are intended to be short-lived but actively used while hunting, while traditional scrolls are intended to be longer lived, but more a little more cumbersome.
Date: 08/21/2018 10:02 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
Since they are being treated separately like that…
What happens if you put in 8 SK charges, but only 5 of them go off bang while you still ‘know’ the spell? Are the remaining 3 charges lost? Still treated as if they were SK (for CS purposes)? Or they revert back to “what you are now”?
Date: 08/21/2018 10:29 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
Since they are being treated separately like that…
What happens if you put in 8 SK charges, but only 5 of them go off bang while you still ‘know’ the spell? Are the remaining 3 charges lost? Still treated as if they were SK (for CS purposes)? Or they revert back to “what you are now”?
Once they’re in the weapon the initial method is retained and the bonus will apply.
Date: 08/21/2018 11:00 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Simucon sneak peaks
(Figured that would be the case, but it’s worth verifying. 🙂