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GM Necios LEAKS the Squares of Wyrom Game

You thought the Rings of Lumnis was going to be Epic? GM Necios has LEAKED the all-new Squares of Wyrom game. It’s GameMasters vs characters, and he’s already picked out the first round! Winners to get roleplay award orbs… read all about it on the officials:

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: General Discussions of Paid Events

Date: 04/01/2018 01:55 PM CDT
Subj: Coming Soon: Squares of Wyrom!
You thought Rings of Lumnis was going to be epic? Well get ready for Squares of Wyrom!

Our Next Big Paid Event, dates TBA, will feature a live 6×6 face-off of players vs. GameMasters, with our own beloved Wyrom as the emcee! The games include physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges. It is not for the faint of heart… but that’s all you get to know for now. Potential player candidates highly favored to win in the pre-selected first round: Rowdy Rohese, Nature Girl Luxelle, Dustybeard Rhodes, Crybaby Canon Cruxophim, Spontae Sputnik Monroe, and The Fabulous Lylia Moolah! Watch them battle and race to the win against Killer Kaikala, Stone Cold Skhorne, Fierce Flannel Flannihan, One Woman Gang Palvella, Naos the Not-So-Nice, and Macho Man Mazreth!

GM Tamuz graciously agreed to make all the prizes! Luckily for him, there’s only one: RPA orbs! (YOU GET AN ORB! AND YOU GET AN ORB! AND YOU GET AN ORB!)

Check the SimuCoin store soon for your QuestNexus to this great event! Email GS4-FOOL@PLAY.NET RSN to apply to be a participant in round two in this unique real world/Elanthian crossover. Deadline to apply is 4/1/2018! Special thanks to GameHost Auttaja for her creative contributions herein. 🙂

GameMaster Necios
Overlord of Icemule Trace
Champion of subject/verb agreement
Honorary BADNAME committee chair

The ghostly voice of Dirvy softly says, “Just shove my soul back in me where it belongs.”

Date: 04/01/2018 09:03 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Coming Soon: Squares of Wyrom!
Bring it!

— The Fabulous Lylia Moolah

Date: 04/02/2018 10:00 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Coming Soon: Squares of Wyrom!
Wyrom squared lacks ambition. Go for the Wyromplex.


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