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GM Necios has Mayoral Voting Instructions for Icemule Residents and more

GM Necios leaves Voting instructions and a reminder about a couple Election Games still to come and the Election Results event on the 22nd at the Gala.

Category: Towns
Topic: Announcements

Date: 06/15/2018 01:37 PM CDT
Subj: Vote 15th – 20th Lumnea!
The polling stations have been set up for the Icemule Trace Mayoral Race one step north and one step south of Town Center. They will open at 7pm elven sharp! Some important things to know:

* Only one person can go behind the partition at a time. It will keep track of how long you are in there and boot you out after a few minutes, so no squatting.
* Once inside, LOOK at and READ the booth for instructions. TAP will show you your options, TURN will cycle your way through them, and PULL will cast your ballot once you are on your candidate of choice.
* Take your time and be careful! No take-backsies or do-overs.
* Voting is limited to one Icemule citizen per account. I may have previously said one vote per character, but this has been overruled by the worlds SGMs. Sorry!
* The polls close at 11:59pm elven on 20th Lumnea (June 20) and the winner will be announced at the gala, graciously hosted by White Haven, on 22nd Lumnea around 10pm!
* The contests will continue even though the polls after open! We’ve got two more to compete in “Icy Elegance” tomorrow, and then early next week our secret game “Manic Mayor Mission” will conclude the competitions.

Good luck to all. 🙂

FGM Necios
Overlord of Icemule Trace
Subscriptions team flunky
Champion of subject/verb agreement

Svardin recites:

“Two, Four, Six, Eight!
Who should we obliterate?
Go Icemule!”

This message was originally posted in Towns, Icemule Trace. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


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