Be sure to brush up on your Elanthian knowledge and prepare for an out of this world adventure!  The Trials Begin on Friday, April 16th at 9:00PM (ET)

From the Email:


She plucked each from the heavens, a small smile of success on her face as the cool touch of each halo rested upon her wrist.  Each moon was represented, each a small gift of moonlight, each a prize to be won.  She moved out onto one of the balconies in the Needle of Pentas and cast the halos back into the sky.

One by one they shrank until they were nothing more than pinpoints of light that eventually soared to hide in the Rings of Lumnis on Liabo.

Four halos can be found by taking part in the Trials that take place annually in the Needle of Pentas on the Isle of Ornath.  Each halo is dedicated to a specific moon – Liabo, Lornon, Makiri, and Tilaok.  When worn, the lunar light of the moon bathes the wearer in an aura based on the color that is assigned to that moon.  This light waxes and wanes like the moon it is associated with and even changes during the day.


Adventurers! It’s nearly time to return to the historic Isle of Ornath for everyone’s favorite exhibition of knowledge: The Rings of Lumnis Trials. The scholars are working diligently to prepare this year’s trials, and soon, thought-provoking puzzles and compelling trivia questions will await you at the Needle of Pentas.

Be sure to brush up on your Elanthian knowledge and prepare for an out of this world adventure! The Trials Begin on Friday, April 16th at 9:00PM (ET)


This article is a part of the official newsfeed from GemStoneIV.