February 12th – 28th!

The Village Awakens


The name was murmured again and again as individuals made their way back to the village. The name was always met with a grunt, or perhaps a nod of recognition, but none who uttered it were asked their business. Some were clearly traders, bringing new wares for sale, while others were more warlike, with large well-used weaponry strapped to their traveling chests and personages. Some were less-savory looking, speaking mostly in whispers as they looked around with furtive eyes.

The Arena called out with whispers of glory and fame, and those strong of limb and mind itched to test themselves in the resting place of a thousand thousand screams. The Sewers, filthy and teeming with rats, but also carrying the detritus from the Arena above, beckoned to those who were strong enough of will and stomach to harvest their dripping treasures. And behind the walls of the Sewers, faint digging noises and occasional crashes of sound spoke of another point of interest… one that lay deep within the shadows, for those who made their lives in that environment to pursue.

Bloodriven called, and they would all answer.



This article is a part of the official newsfeed from GemStoneIV.