by Rovvigen Aniket | 16 Oct 2020 | Ebon Gate, Raffle
…”This raffle is for 5 winners. They will receive a completely unlocked “Of the Cloth” garment, which Aneela will customize for them.”. 125,000 silvers Located on: raffle table, Room Name: [Merchant Lounge, Alcove] 26732 Elphieya, Cruxophim, Savina, Lynaera, Emerose 10-17 7:31 PM…
by Newsby | 15 Aug 2018 | News
…and washed away the bridges that allow access to Ta’Vaalor. Ta’Vaalor can still be entered, but one must swim through the dangerous flooded area. Be safe! Story filed by Miss Lynaera. Also you can view Esana’s report at the officials: …
by Newsby | 14 Aug 2018
Lynaera lives and reports on the goings-on inside the Fortress of Ta’Vaalor. From regularly planned events to social gatherings to the surprise attack, she keeps her ears open and her finger on the pulse of this dynamic Elven city. Lady in Waiting:…
by Lynaera Ariamiel | 10 Aug 2018 | Special Reports
During Niiman evening, on the 9th day of the month Phoenatos, two Vaalorian elves enter Malwith’s Inn in Ta’Vaalor, order a few drinks, and seat themselves at a table. Sitting alone at her own table nearby is a Nalfein elf holding a…
by Newsby | 16 Jun 2018 | FASHION
Elanthian Vogue: Lumnea 5118 is out with a thoughtful look at fashions, the wearer, Mirrors, Mist Harbor Stylists, FashionCon 5118, and a bit about our own Newsie, Miss Lynaera, in her role of costuming the characters for Newsby’s Night Out. Don’t miss…
by Newsby | 29 Apr 2018 | Storyline-TV
…quietly to Lynaera, Ciyuka whispers aloud, “You were, Mistress…you were.” Lynaera says, “Or, perhaps they helped a few defenders arrive….We were not looking to the lake during that madness.” Lynaera says, “However, they did their duty without complaint.” Ciyuka rubs Lynaera tenderly….
by Newsby | 10 Apr 2018 | Storyline-TV
…attacked by ice elementals and other fiends, but they were beaten back by the defenders and friends of the Fortress. The Lake of Fear was flash frozen during the assault – from TownCrier Correspondent, Lynaera. Here’s the Official Legion Report: …
by Newsby | 22 Feb 2018 | SHOPPING
Lynaera loves the illusion pins at Spellbound. Every one of them! “They’re fun RP fluff!” …
by Newsby | 20 Feb 2018 | Special Reports
Presenting your favorite finds at the Shops of Bloodriven Village! February 16-25, 2018 ILLUSIONS FOR FUN Lynaera loves the illusion pins at Spellbound. Every one of them! “They’re fun RP fluff!” Spellbound LIVING QUILLS For only 500 bloodscrip you can get your…
by Newsby | 15 Feb 2018 | News
…of a jilted lover while the city was attacked by overworked florists, winged archers, enchanted bouquets, and cute critter plushies! In the end, the Legion, along with Heroes and friends of the Fortress, beat them back. Filed by TownCrier Correspondent Lynaera …