by Newsby | 15 Aug 2018
Irar Snickers is the Deacon of the Church of Koar in Wehnimer’s Landing and a news correspondent for the TownCrier. He came to be known as a devoted paladin of Koar during Prelate Chaston Griffin’s bloody pogrom and afterward, a spiritual leader…
by Newsby | 15 Jun 2018 | Storyline-WL
…Seer Balley’s seeking of him; he’ll show her what she needs when she’s ready if she will accept. Deacon Irar asks about threats to his congregation, and it turns out Stone isn’t fond of that church … At the Wiki: …
by Newsby | 15 May 2018 | Storyline-WL
Monday night in the Landing: there’s an exchange between Mayor Lylia and the Deacon. Someone may need to start keeping score there, because … it’s not looking good. …
by Newsby | 14 May 2018 | Storyline-WL
…soldier’s face betrayed his opinion of the Deacon. Irar was hated by even more decent people. “Please, just make sure he gets it. Koar’s blessings.” Irar walked away, feeling very much alone and foolish. He thought back on the letter, wondering if…
by Newsby | 14 May 2018 | Storyline-WL
…harm. The Prelate resides here and he is my superior in the Church. Read it if you like, but please deliver it to the Prelate.” Irar smiled, but the soldier’s face betrayed his opinion of the Deacon. Irar was hated by even…
by Newsby | 6 May 2018 | Storyline-WL
…Osment, Rooks, Leafiara*, Irar*, Cyph, Koar, Sea of Fire, Raznel, Cruxophim* * = player character Date: 05/05/2018 11:33 PM CDT From: INIQUITY Subj: Re: Balley’s Visions: The Silver-Haired Woman and Naimorai (May 4th story recap, PLUS mega bonus) The figure was…
by Newsby | 2 May 2018 | Storyline-WL
…Stormyrain, you say, “Thank you.” Speaking to you, Stormyrain says, “Any time my friend.” Balley softly says, “But I do know Hap and Irar identified the two in my visions.” Speaking heartily to Balley, Chamorr says, “Not to worry.” Balley softly says,…
by Newsby | 15 Apr 2018 | Storyline-WL
…stories before Rise of Rone, really shined towards the end of this one. As Irar understands it, the problems he’s having now are a consequence of helping with the pillars so… DUN DUN DUN! Irar’s not saying it’s blood magic. But it’s…
by Newsby | 17 Mar 2018 | ELECTION
TownCrier Irar announces he’s compiled a wiki article for all things related to the 5118 Landing Mayoral Elections! Come check out the TownCrier’s coverage of all things election, including events and interviews! …
by Newsby | 7 Mar 2018 | ELECTION
Irar enjoys tea with Mayoral Candidate Lylia and finds out why she is running in this election and some of the background for her campaign. Read along, too: …
by Newsby | 7 Mar 2018 | ELECTION
TownCrier Irar sits down to speak with Candidate for Mayor, Leafiara, as election season gets started. Find out why she is running, and share some of her vision: …
by Newsby | 4 Mar 2018 | ELECTION
On polictical assignment for the Wehnimer’s Elections, TownCrier Correspondent Irar sits down for a historical perspective of the office of Mayor with the first elected Mayor, Puptilian and with outgoing Mayor, Cruxophim. …
by Newsby | 28 Feb 2018 | Roleplay
Here are the notes from the Koarite Revival Conclave of 5118, Deacon Irar placed them at the wiki: …
by Newsby | 21 Feb 2018 | Storyline-WL
Deacon Irar announces a date and time for the Conclave of Koar featuring High Priestess Wintersylph, Maven Brokkrsten, and Evician. Revival and rebirth of the faith will be discussed and debated! Monday, February 26 at 10:30 EST outside of the Landing’s north…
by Newsby | 21 Feb 2018 | Storyline-WL
A special edition Wehnimer’s Landing Town Hall will be hosted by the TownCrier at Helga’s Dining Hall on February 25th at 11:55pm, just as Bloodriven Village is closing up! Don’t miss it–learn more about the history of Larsya and Lheren, then bring…
by Newsby | 18 Feb 2018 | Storyline-WL
Deacon Irar leaves a public notice in Town Square calling all the faithful of Koar to revival, and inviting all to come forward, seek him out, and join him in this noble venture! Category: TownsTopic: Wehnimer’s Landing Date: 02/18/2018 02:10 AM…
by Newsby | 3 Feb 2018 | Storyline-WL
…says, “Maybe collateral damage from da Mayor in battlin times.” Speaking flatly to Irar, you say, “No. I’ve made enough trouble.” Speaking to you, Irar says, “Life with Leafi, then.” Speaking dryly to Cryheart, Cruxophim remarks, “I do believe I’m being framed.”…
by Newsby | 1 Feb 2018 | Roleplay
…confess their wrongdoings. (But, as it turns out, this wasn’t against the law.) The other part ties in to the Town Hall too… Irar’s question of “why now?” for the vigilante popping up also goes great with this confession. Previously Leafi thought…
by Newsby | 1 Feb 2018 | Storyline-WL
Wednesday Night in the Landing – the surprise reveal of Prelate Lheren in our midst the last few weeks led to more points than we can fit here! But the man of the church seems to get lots done in a quick…
by Newsby | 25 Jan 2018 | Storyline-WL
…hope of something different.” Rysus quietly says, “Some of you are bound to oaths and spurs and a sense of black and white.” Speaking to Irar, Mynon exclaims, “No, he does NOT get to speak his piece! This outlaw uses the rules…
by Newsby | 17 Jan 2018 | Storyline-WL
…stands up. Mayor Cruxophim just entered the Moot Hall. The town clerk looks around, where Cruxophim was. Irar says, “Well, that was convenient.” Gothtrin exclaims, “Something is afoot!” The town clerk says, “…..” Cryheart says, “The mayor went scooting.” Speaking lightly to…
by Newsby | 16 Jan 2018 | Storyline-WL
…faith, and confess your sins before relinquishing yourself to the proper authorities. Deacon Irar of the Church of Koar, Father Albanus of Phoen, and Falvicar of the Order of the Night’s Blade are among those whom I have enlisted to perform these…
by Newsby | 14 Jan 2018 | Roleplay
Deacon Irar invites you to confession and prayer and extends solace and understanding to you. Read on for the letter to his congregation at the Officials: (with apologies to our beloved Deacon for having so much fun with his title the last…
by Newsby | 4 Jan 2018 | Storyline-WL
…people.” Cruxophim affably suggests, “The Bony Wraith. No, that’s no good.” Speaking to Albanus, Irar says, “The Lone Rangers.” Cryheart asks, “The white avenger?” Speaking confusedly to Irar, Cruxophim suggests, “The Bone Ranger?” Helga says, “Starch.” Speaking to Helga, Dirra asks, “You…